Homemade circuits was started with an aim to share and spread the knowledge of electronic concepts freely among the aspiring engineers and newbies, through the expertise of experienced authors involved with this site.
The online world is flooded with multitude of electronic websites offering free electronic circuits and stuffs.. but unfortunately there's one thing they mostly seem to lack, and that's credibility. An electronic idea is not just about publishing a piece of schematic and forgetting, or posting something too technical without an elaborate and convincing explanation.
Here at homemade circuits, unlike others we make sure that the author who is writing the post has an in-depth knowledge regarding the subject, and actively responds to every comment or query posted by a inquisitive visitor. In this site you will find that no electronic concept is unnecessarily made complex just to make it look more advanced. We always try to produce an easier alternative if feasible, so that even a layman can feel inspired to learn more.