It's not that other energy monitors are bad, but they are different in that they are mostly closed systems that provide limited data and require that you use their cloud and phone app platforms. IoTaWatt collects many more metrics and stores that usage history locally. With it's integrated web-server you can manage setup, view real-time status or create detailed graphs using the browser on your computer, tablet or phone. It's your data, in your own home, and subject only to your own privacy and retention policy. You don't need the cloud to get a handle on your hot-tub, EV, solar or heat-pump.
IoTaWatt can, however, easily upload usage data to any of several third party databases with associated apps and analytic tools. For instance PVoutput is a free service that connects easily with IoTaWatt and provides world-class solar energy analytics. There is full support for uploading to influxDB. There is also an API interface for those who want to query data for their own applications or to use in spreadsheets, and there are integrations available for home automation software like Home Assistant.
Can be used to monitor just about any power system on the planet. USian 120/240VAC, European, 230 VAC single-phase, 230VAC three-phase in Australia, Germany, and Norway.
IoTaWatt measures each circuit using a passive sensor that clips around one of the insulated wires. The output of each of these current-transformers is very low-voltage and plugs into any one of IoTaWatt's 14 inputs. Sensors plug into the unit with regular phono plugs.
Fully tested and in compliance with regulatory and safety standards of North America and Europe.
Online store:
If you only want to monitor power for the whole house, you only need the base kit and two induction sensors (one for each side of the split-phase). $260us