We found other Neovim configurations either being powerful out of the box but hard to customize, or easy to customize but minimal out of the box functionality. AstroNvim aims to find the middle ground with a great out of the box experience while empowering the user to make tweaks where they want. Getting started is super easy! Head over to the Getting Started Guide which will step you through setting up the user template. From there you can start playing around with AstroNvim, but be sure to look through the rest of the documentation to see how to customize it further. Out of the box AstroNvim doesn't provide direct support for any one language, but provides a base for setting up any language easily. AstroCommunity is a community repository for sharing configuration snippets such as language support. AstroCommunity has >40 language packs that can be added to your configuration to get state of the art language support.