Radio Receiver is an HTML5 webpage that uses an USB digital TV receiver plugged into your system to capture radio signals, demodulates them in the browser, and plays the demodulated audio through your computer's speakers or headphones. This is called SDR (Software-Defined Radio), because all the radio signal processing is done by software running in the computer instead of purpose-built hardware.
Radio Receiver was written to work with an RTL-2832U-based DVB-T (European digital TV) USB receiver, with a R820T tuner chip. This hardware configuration is a little dated, but support for newer tuner chips is planned.
npm install esbuild
npm run build
npm run dist
Output in dist/. dist/apps/radioreceiver/ is where the web front-end stuff is, dist/tools/ is where the utility stuff lives.
Picking apart the demo site, it looks like you only need to serve dist/apps/radioreceiver/ because the only three files that get pulled down from it are index.html, main.js, and favicon.png (which implies that everything in there needs to be uploaded).
Requires a browser that supports the HTML5 USB API, which is pretty much everything but Firefox.