Automated decoding of encrypted text without knowing the key or ciphers used. Ares is the next generation of decoding tools, built by the same people that brought you Ciphey. We fully intend to replace Ciphey with Ares.
Ares is fast. Very fast. Other decoders such as Ciphey require advance artifical intelligence to determine which path it should take to decode (whether to try Caesar next or Base64 etc). Ares is so fast we don't need to worry about this currently. For every 1 decode Ciphey can do, Ares can do ~7. That's a 700% increase in speed.
There are 2 main parts to Ares, the library and the CLI. The CLI simply uses the library which means you can build on-top of Ares.
Ares currently supports 16 decoders and it is growing fast. Ciphey supports around ~50, and we are adding more everyday.