A customisable New Tab page, with widgets and beautiful backgrounds. Customizable. Widgets:
- RSS and Atom feeds: can be used to see the news or follow a website.
- Weather
- To do list: track things you need to do.
- Quick Links: show links, with optional icons and subheadings.
- Top Sites: shows your most frequent websites.
- Daily Goals: enter a daily goal.
- Bookmarks: shows bookmarks from the bookmark toolbar.
- Greeting: be greeted based on the time of day.
- Clock: show the current time, choose between 12 and 24 hours.
- Notes: jot down notes in a freeform text area.
- Age: shows your current age with way too much precision.
- Search: a search bar, with support for changing the search engine.
- Web Comics: show the most recent panel from a web comic.
- Upcoming Space Flights
- More...
Web version: https://web.renewedtab.com/
Source code: https://gitlab.com/rubenwardy/renewedtab