If you have an interest in the Commodore 64 (C64), SX-64 and Commodore 128 (C128) and all the various hardware that comes with that, like 1541 disk drives, modems, 1702 monitors, etc, then the Commodore Computer Club and Users Group is for you.
We also discuss the Commodore Amiga, VIC-20, Commodore 16 (C16), Plus/4, CBM PET and even the C64 Direct-to-TV (C64DTV) designed by Jeri Ellsworth. If it’s Commodore related, we discuss it at our meetings.
The goal of the club is to have monthly meetings and discuss cool things that are still happening in the scene as well as share project ideas or concepts and to inspire each other for new ones.
In May of 2011 we started the Retro Computing Club as a “sister” club to compliment and cover other vintage computers like Apple, Atari, IBM PC, Tandy, Texas Instruments, Macintosh and more along with video game consoles like Nintendo, Vectrex, Sega, etc.
Like any self-respecting user group, their resources page is well populated.