progman is a simple X11 window manager modeled after the Windows 3 era. Can be themed (come with Hotdog Stand, of course). HiDPI support.
It looks like Windows v3.1. That's about it.
NsCDE is a retro but powerful UNIX desktop environment which resembles the CDE look (and partially feel) but with a more powerful and flexible framework beneath-the-surface, more suited for 21st century unix-like and Linux systems and user requirements than original CDE.
NsCDE can be considered as a heavyweight FVWM theme on steroids, but combined with a couple other free software components and custom FVWM applications and a lot of configuration, NsCDE can be considered a lightweight hybrid desktop environment.
In other words, NsCDE is a heavy FVWM (ab)user. It consists of a set of FVWM applications and configurations, enriched with Python and Shell background drivers, couple of the additional free software tools and applications. FVWM3 is also supported.
EMWM is a fork of the Motif Window Manager with fixes and enhancements. The idea behind this is to provide compatibility with current xorg extensions and applications, without changing the way the window manager looks and behaves. This includes support for multi-monitor setups through Xinerama/Xrandr, UFT-8 support with Xft fonts, and overall better compatibility with software that requires Extended Window Manager Hints.
Additionally a couple of goodies are available in the separate utilities package: XmToolbox, a toolchest like application launcher, which reads it's multi-level menu structure from a simple plain-text file ~/.toolboxrc, and XmSm, a simple session manager that provides session configuration, locking and shutdown/suspend options.
Latest release: January 2024
Github mirror:
Required libraries:
Xterm Window Manager (XtermWM) is a desktop environment / window manager for the console. XtermWM is expected to be helpful to users who want to have multiple windowed terminals, but not a full X11 desktop environment, admins who want a more capable physical console at the rack / head node, but will not (or cannot) install X11/Wayland, and people who used the DOS-era "shells" like IBM DOS Shell, DESQview, WordPerfect Office, and Direct Access, and want similar features in their terminals without having to learn Emacs Lisp.
A directory of things to make your system look awesome.
Text mode window environment. A "retro" program for embedded or remote systems, that doubles as X11 terminal and text-mode equivalent of VNC server. It's a serious oversimplification, but think text-mode X, or maybe something like Desqview for DOS. Mouse support, window manager, terminal emulator and networked clients, all inside a text display.