XAMPP is a completely free, easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl. The XAMPP open source package has been set up to be incredibly easy to install and to use.
The goal of XAMPP is to build an easy to install distribution for developers to get into the world of Apache. To make it convenient for developers, XAMPP is configured with all features turned on. In the case of commercial use please take a look at the product licenses, from the XAMPP point of view commercial use is also free. There are currently distributions for Windows, Linux, and OS X.
Insight into the hidden ecosystem of autonomous chatbots and data scrapers crawling across the web. Protect your website from unwanted AI agent access. You can submit newly spotted agents. No data feeds so you have to sign up.
Maintaining a robots.txt file will help protect your website from unwanted AI agent access. The Dark Visitors list is continuously updated so you can control the behavior of all known AI agents.
A small webserver and templating library specifically designed for MicroPython on the Pico W. It aims to provide a complete toolkit for easily creating high quality web based interfaces for your projects. Basic web server that implements GET and POST. Optimized for speed and minimal memory use. Parameterized routing. Templating engine. Query string decoding and parsing included. Multiple types of POST bodies. connect_to_wifi
and access_point
(enable AP mode) convenience methods.
Get an insight into the inner-workings of a given website: uncover potential attack vectors, analyse server architecture, view security configurations, and learn what technologies a site is using.
Currently the dashboard will show: IP info, SSL chain, DNS records, cookies, headers, domain info, search crawl rules, page map, server location, redirect ledger, open ports, traceroute, DNS security extensions, site performance, trackers, associated hostnames, carbon footprint. Stay tuned, as I'll add more soon!
The aim is to help you easily understand, optimize and secure your website.
Typescript webshit.
A tiny HTTP server made for CircuitPython WiFi devices (like the ESP32).
Note that ampule is in alpha and right now for use by tally_circuitpy. Feel free to use it, but know that there are tons of things not yet implemented.
ampule gathers inspiration from Bottle: Python Web Framework, Adafruit's CircuitPython WSGI library, Adafruit's ESP32 SPI WSGI Server, and Adafruit's CircuitPython Requests library.
teler is an real-time intrusion detection and threat alert based on web log that runs in a terminal with resources that we collect and provide by the community. Requires minimal configuration. Run your web server logs through it and see what it comes up with.
An online app that generates custom nginx.conf and site.conf files for Nginx when given some specifics.
How to configure Apache so that users need to authenticate to see any resources, but users accessing http[s]://localhost/ don't need to log in.
A FOSS utility for investigating Tor hidden services. Searches for configuration errors and information leaks. Written in golang. In the AUR. CLI tool but the Onionscan Correlation Lab is a webapp that lets you analyze the data visually.
The main thrust of the article is how to whip together a quick and dirty HTTP server for static pages using Python and Cherrypy. I saved this article because the worst-ranked response also tells you how to hardcode (read, make configurable at runtime) the port and IP address a CherryPy instance listens on.
cherrypy.server.socket_port = 80
cherrypy.server.socket_host = ''