This document includes resources and guidelines for preparing and running 5e and other fantasy roleplaying games taken from several books written by Michael E. Shea and available at Much of this material is useful for any fantasy RPG but some is specific to the 5th edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please attribute Michael E. Shea of in any works derived from this document.
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BIND is a fantasy tabletop RPG core ruleset. All rules are geared towards fast resolutions and player choices. One roll combat resolutions. GMs don't roll much, so they can focus on orchestration. Spellcasters spend Mana Points. Character creation takes 15 minutes. Leave the backstory till the game starts. Spend your 5 Story Points to introduces allies, safe locations, and languages from your past. When your character dies, pick one of the allies introduced through another story, and go from there.
It's written in LaTeX, but you can also download pre-rendered PDFs and ODT documents.
The streets and the Corporations that run them are your only friends. Your identity is everything. Your reputation is the social currency controlling what schools you can attend, the cars you can buy, where you live, and—most importantly—who you work for. All of this is controlled by your C.H.I.P., an embedded device linked to your DNA. Your entire life on a small data card in your arm.
IDENTECO is a tabletop roleplaying game where you and your friends tell stories in a near-future science fiction alternate universe. The world has been thrown into social, economical, and political upheaval after a near catastrophic event that has remade the power structures around the world. To survive you must navigate the often dangerous streets and politically-charged boardrooms of Corporate America to achieve your goals. Out here, it's as much about who you know as what you know.
IDENTECO is built with an easy-to-understand dice system that is equally engaging for roleplay- or combat-heavy groups. The system promotes and rewards active engagement from players—no sitting around waiting for something to happen. You have actions you can take at any time. So get out there and have fun.
Mothership is a sci-fi horror roleplaying game where you and your crew try to survive in the most inhospitable environment in the universe: outer space! You'll excavate dangerous derelict spacecraft, explore strange unknown worlds, exterminate hostile alien life, and examine the horrors that encroach upon your every move. Designed from the ground up to be intuitive to run and easy to play, no system-mastery required. d100. Designed for very fast character generation.
The Player's Survival Guide is the core book.
A site that teaches you how to play in a tabletop RPG if you've never done so before (but are interested).