A website detailing which candidates recieved how much money from whom, and when.
An open source clone of the game Worms in which you manipulate a team of characters (usually earthworms) to box, pummel, blow up, and otherwise mangle the characters of the other team in a cartoon-like fashion. Network/deathmatch play possible.
An open source platform/strategy game reminiscent of Worms.
A realtime strategy game in which you compete in a virtual space with others to build the biggest, most robust network you can while attempting to compromise or crash the networks of rival system admins. It sounds a little like Starcraft meets Neuromancer with a healthy dose of the movie Hackers thrown in for fun. Runs on Windows as well as Linux.
Wikistrat appears to be something new - a massively multiple online consultancy. By registering as a subject matter expert and flagging yourself as available you become part of an Internet-wide virtual consultancy. Consulting as part of Wikistrat is realtime and interactive, it's not just answering e-mails from colleagues across the pond. They are now accepting signups to become part of their consultancy staff. More's the point, you earn royalties when your work is accessed and used by clients, so this isn't pro-bono work, you can make a little on the side. To sign up you have to provide a CV as well as a writing sample.