Ground News is a platform that makes it easy to compare news sources, read between the lines of media bias and break free from algorithms.
Over the past decade, online news and ad-driven algorithms have made it profitable for news outlets to embrace a position on the bias spectrum to target specific consumers. Bias in the media affects everything from what events receive coverage, to how a news outlet frames those events in their reporting. As media outlets narrow their perspective and range of coverage, it’s become impossible to consult a single news story for a well-rounded view on important issues. Ground News was created to offer clarity in an increasingly chaotic media landscape. Our vision is positive coexistence where cooperative, civil debate is the norm, media is accountable, and critical thought is the baseline of our information consumption. We’re on a mission to well inform the world by empowering readers to think freely about the issues of our times.
I don't know if they have RSS feeds or an API. I need to investigate.
Curated Intelligence is working with analysts from around the world to provide useful information to organisations in Ukraine looking for additional free threat intelligence.
A visual directory, source map, and explorer for OSINT sources and utilities. If you're not sure what you need or what to try, browse the categories until you find something that looks useful.
Github repo for the page:
An open source replacement for the Google News service. REST API using JSON documents. Uses breaking news Twitter feeds as input, but other sources can be added as well. Designed so that you can build your own clients if you want, but has a matching LibreNews application if you want it. Uses MongoDB as its back-end.
A mailing list for which you can sign up and potentially be tapped as an expert source by a reporter writing an article. You're not obligated to respond but you can if you so choose and have the time.