A Mexican company that designs and sells hacker toys, security auditing tools, and educational devices. They even sell products suitable for teaching kids.
ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
The PineTime is a free and open source smartwatch capable of running custom-built open operating systems. Some of the notable features include a heart rate monitor, a week-long battery, and a capacitive touch IPS display that is legible in direct sunlight. It is a fully community driven side-project which anyone can contribute to, allowing you to keep control of your device.
We envision the PineTime as a companion for not only your PinePhone but also for your favorite devices — any phone, tablet, or even PC. In its current state the PineTime ships with a community firmware called Infinitime, which works with Linux computers and phones, Windows machines, and Android devices. IOS support is currently being looked into for Infinitime.
We build professional grade earth monitoring solutions that anyone can use to measure ground motion and infrasound activities.
Hella expensive, though.
Python bindings for libsensors.so from the lm-sensors project via ctypes. Supports API version 4, i.e. libsensors version 3.x. Hasn't been worked on in a couple of years. Uses Python's ctypes library to interface with sensors.so.
Source code: https://bitbucket.org/blackjack/pysensors/
Can be installed from AUR.
A page that talks about passive and active sonar sensors. Security uses, especially the seismics. Links to other books and DoD video footage. I think this would be useful for training as well as surveillance applications.
The github repo of work pertaining to IoT communications and protocols over XMPP instead of other methods or networks. One advantage is that, by using p2p XMPP, devices could communicate with each other.
A peripheral for the RasPi 2 and 3 that implements a medical monitoring interface. Implements EKC, SpO2, pulse, blood pressure, and respiration.
github repo for a fairly simple daemon that polls the system's sensors. When enough fail it runs a script in response. Can be used as a dead man's switch. FOSS Written in C. If you can write a sensor of some kind that monitors for something and emits a zero if yes or good, or not-zero if no or fail, you can probably use swatd for it.
A project that teaches you how to build a weather station using a RasPi and a couple of sensors.