Acarsdec is a multi-channels acars decoder with built-in rtl_sdr, airspy front end or sdrplay device. Since 3.0, It comes with a database backend called acarsserv to store received acars messages.
Can decode up to 8 channels simultaneously. Does error detection and correction. Can take its input from rtl_sdr, airspy, or sdrplay software defined radios. Logs data over UDP in planeplotter or acarsserv formats to store data in a SQLite database, or JSON for custom processing. Can decode ARINC-622 ATS applications (ADS-C, CPDLC) via libacars library.
Multi-channel decoding is particularly useful with broadband devices such as the RTLSDR dongle, the AIRspy and the SDRplay device. It allows the user to directly monitor to up to 8 different frequencies simultaneously with very low cost hardware.
Looks like it interacts with the SDR directly because it has to control the frequencies it's listening on, so you can't piggyback it on, say, an existing ADS-B node.
Requires libusb, librtlsdr, libairspy, libmirsdrapi-rsp, and libacars (optional).
Airframes is a transportation (aviation, marine, etc) data aggregation service that receives ACARS, VDL, HFDL, SATCOM, and AIS data from volunteers around the world. This is similar to other efforts to collect, process, and display aircraft data like ADS-B, but with a focus on more interesting information, such as diagnostic, maintenance, and operational messages. It is under very active development and you will notice changes from day to day.
Contributing your feed allows us to make ground developing new decoders and make important statistical observations. It also benefits users of the service so that they can see more about flights as they traverse covered territories.
They're working on a REST API for participants.
Radio Receiver is an HTML5 webpage that uses an USB digital TV receiver plugged into your system to capture radio signals, demodulates them in the browser, and plays the demodulated audio through your computer's speakers or headphones. This is called SDR (Software-Defined Radio), because all the radio signal processing is done by software running in the computer instead of purpose-built hardware.
Radio Receiver was written to work with an RTL-2832U-based DVB-T (European digital TV) USB receiver, with a R820T tuner chip. This hardware configuration is a little dated, but support for newer tuner chips is planned.
npm install esbuild
npm run build
npm run dist
Output in dist/. dist/apps/radioreceiver/ is where the web front-end stuff is, dist/tools/ is where the utility stuff lives.
Picking apart the demo site, it looks like you only need to serve dist/apps/radioreceiver/ because the only three files that get pulled down from it are index.html, main.js, and favicon.png (which implies that everything in there needs to be uploaded).
Requires a browser that supports the HTML5 USB API, which is pretty much everything but Firefox.
A feature-rich Software Defined Radio (SDR) spectrum analyzer with real-time visualization, demodulation, and signal analysis capabilities. Real-time spectrum analysis and waterfall display. Multiple visualization modes (spectrum, waterfall, persistence, surface, gradient). Supports FM, AM, SSB demodulation with audio output. Frequency scanning and signal classification. Bookmark management for frequencies of interest. Automatic Gain Control (AGC). Recording capabilities for both RF and audio. Band presets for common frequency ranges. Configurable display and processing parameters.
Heatwave is a real-time RF spectrum analyzer that creates a waterfall display using RTL-SDR and other SoapySDR-compatible devices. It provides a visual representation of RF activity across frequency ranges with various analysis tools and features.
It uses the Linux framebuffer for graphics drawing!
This repository contains processing code for a software defined radio based passive radar. Passive radars don't transmit any signals of their own - instead, they locate targets by detecting the echoes of ambient radio signals that bounce off of them. Uses FM radio broadcasts as the illuminating signal. This is not realtime - it analyzes stored PR information and displays it, and it's not quick. It does tell you how to collect your own radar data, however, as well as which SDRs are feasible.
Software that decodes the following digital transmission modes: POCSAG512, POCSAG1200, POCSAG2400, FLEX, EAS, UFSK1200, CLIPFSK, AFSK1200, AFSK2400, AFSK2400_2, AFSK2400_3, HAPN4800, FSK9600, DTMF, ZVEI1, ZVEI2, ZVEI3, DZVEI, PZVEI, EEA, EIA, CCIR, Morse code (CW), X10.
Give it a recording or stream of raw audio and it can try to make sense of it. This includes the output of utilities like rtl_fm.
Generic satellite data processing software. Plug it into an SDR pipeline and it'll try to decode satellite images. Process and interpret in realtime or from recorded traffic. Can use either a local SDR or one shared across a network with rtl_tcp.
In the AUR. There's even a version for Android (in the F-Droid repo).
If the asciidoctor gives you any trouble (specifically, if it keeps saying it can't find itself), it means that it's been installed into the gem directory for a version of Ruby that you're not running (at least for Arch - it was in 3.2.0 but I had 3.0.0 installed).
Terminal-based tools for (mostly SDR-originated) signal analysis. Can read signals from stored files or live from the radio via TCP.
soapysdr-fft-log is a tool for logging and playing back arbitrarily large portions of the RF spectrum. it can also identify peaks based on a handful of input parameters and log them to console. It is a sister project to plutosdr-fft-log which brings support to many of the most popular SDRs. continuously scans a specified frequency range and logs the FFT results to .bin files. each log file contains data for an arbitrary large portion of the spectrum, allowing continuous spectrum monitoring. plays back FFT log files generated by, printing detected peaks to the console.
A real-time radar which can support various SDR platforms.
Support for the SDRplay RSPDuo and USRP (only tested on the B210). 2 channel processing for a reference and surveillance signal. Designed to be used with external RF source (for passive radar or active radar). Outputs delay-Doppler maps to a web front-end. Record raw IQ data by pressing spacebar on the web front-end. Saves delay-Doppler maps in a JSON array.
Welcome to PY-SDR v2.0, a powerful real-time spectrum visualization tool built using PyQt5 and Matplotlib. This application leverages the capabilities of RTL-SDR (Software Defined Radio) to provide a dynamic and interactive representation of radio frequency spectra.
Real-Time Spectrum Analysis: Capture and analyze radio frequency spectra in real-time with a customizable FFT size. 3D and 2D Waterfall Views: Visualize the spectrum data in both 3D and 2D waterfall plots for a comprehensive understanding. Set your desired RTL-SDR parameters, including sample rate, center frequency, and gain. Easily adjust the capture duration, FFT size, and other parameters to suit your needs.
Welcome to SDRx, where you can remotely connect to RTL-SDR devices and stream live, raw I/Q data. Radio stations are tunneled and can be controlled remotely through a distributed server network.
The previous service hosted at SDRx was suspended due to a lack of interest from the community (nobody contacted us to add any receiver in a month). However, we are thinking about a new concept that would suit the interests of the community better, more specifically as a directory or meta-directory service. So stay tuned and come back here in a few weeks! In the meantime, our local SDR receiver is still online.
Python Code for an FM Scanner using a Raspberry Pi and rtlsdr SDR.
I wrote Trunk Recorder because I was curious about what my local fire station was up to and I put together the original version of OpenMHz because I figured other people might want to listen to the recordings too.
The latest version of this site makes it easy for other people running Trunk Recorder to share their recordings. I am hoping that making it easier to listen to what our local fire, police and EMS have to go through everyday will lead to a greater appreciation for all the work they do, which goes largely unseen.
The audio from each system is archived for 30 days, so you can go back and listen to events you may have missed.
One of the things that always seemed really hard when it comes to setting up an ADSB feeder is that very first step. How do you get started?
Pretty much all of the instructions are written for people who are familiar with computers, happy to edit config files, to download individual pieces and make it all work, logged in to a command line interface. Yet at the same time, that obviously is just a tiny fraction of the people who might be interested in this hobby. From this observation grew the idea to build a project that would make this process super simple, without going down the path of proprietary hardware and software (like so many of the commercial feeders do). All of this is open source, all the infrastructure is agnostic of the aggregators you want to feed.
Supported Single Board Computers (SBCs)
It really is pretty easy to get it going. I had a working node inside of an hour.
By using an SDR receiver it is possible to capture, demodulate and decode the NFC signal between the card and the reader. Currently, detection and decoding is implemented for:
Some Python scripts somebody wrote to do interesting things with an RTL-SDR. The only one that's vaguely documented is the spectrum analyzer.
A web-based SDR package for multiple users. Tune an SDR with your web browser, listen to what it picks up. Includes demodulators. 2d and 3d waterfall displays. Supports multiple SDRs, including the RTL-SDR. You can also join the radio network if your server is publically available.
Official documentation for the Kraken SDR.