An OpenWRT package repository for packages that have to do with using mobile broadband peripherals. Includes instructions for configuring the use of USB cell modems.
This is an F-Droid Repository by IzzyOnDroid.
Github repo for the MIT RFID ring kit. Includes greyprints for fabbing your own rings.
The github repo of work pertaining to IoT communications and protocols over XMPP instead of other methods or networks. One advantage is that, by using p2p XMPP, devices could communicate with each other.
A web based XMPP client. Designed for multiuser chat. Tries to be be easy to customize and run. plugins and events. mobile aware. github repo. Join multiple MUCs, multiple private conversations. Notifications. Moderation mode. Requires that the server have HTTP bindings enabled.
Somebody I know on Mastodon threw together a quick utility that picks keywords out of documents you feed it and throws them into a Neo4j graph database for indexing. Written in rust.
A protocol for encoding geographic locations in a way other than latitude/longitude coordinates. Ideal for places that don't have addresses, like when you're hiking or urbex. 6 or 10 character codes. Crisis response applications. Not case sensitive. Generated from lat/long coordinates. The closer two locations are, the more similar the OLCs are. 10 character codes more accurate than 6 character codes. It's possible to drop characters off the end to encode larger areas. Should be compatible with both Google Maps and Open Streetmaps.
The github repo of security features that should be built into webapps during development.
A book in a github repo that explains benefits, stocks, and compensation from companies and corporations to geeks and hackers. I have this checked out on Windbringer. I should add this to the GoZ wiki.
Github repo for a tutorial on writing kernel exploits.
A relatively simple text chat system ala Slack that runs in the context of a modern browser. Offers persistent messages and rooms, embeds, an XMPP MUC for text, and a REST API. Supports containerization.
A Python module that implements an NLP chatbot. Language agnostic, can be trained to speak any spoken language. Train an instance on a corpus and it will be able to communicate in a conversational manner.
An online archival service for academics, like Requires an account. Has a REST API. Written in python:
FOSS AI personal assistant software. Implements actions/useful features, skills and API connectors. Can answer questions and ask for context for better answers (interesting!) Has a dedicated android app as well as a web interface. Written in Java, but nobody's perfect.
FOSS opensource A code of conduct. Add this to my repo on github.
Github repo for document files to print free laboratory notebooks.
github repo for a fairly simple daemon that polls the system's sensors. When enough fail it runs a script in response. Can be used as a dead man's switch. FOSS Written in C. If you can write a sensor of some kind that monitors for something and emits a zero if yes or good, or not-zero if no or fail, you can probably use swatd for it.