soapysdr-fft-log is a tool for logging and playing back arbitrarily large portions of the RF spectrum. it can also identify peaks based on a handful of input parameters and log them to console. It is a sister project to plutosdr-fft-log which brings support to many of the most popular SDRs. continuously scans a specified frequency range and logs the FFT results to .bin files. each log file contains data for an arbitrary large portion of the spectrum, allowing continuous spectrum monitoring. plays back FFT log files generated by, printing detected peaks to the console.
RF tool based on CC1101 module and Arduino Pro Micro 8VMHz/3.3V. Allows using CLI to control CC1101 board over USB interface. Putty or any other serial terminal can be used. It has similar functionality to YardStick One but is cheaper and does not need specialized software. Allows for RF jamming and replay attacks as well. It has RAW recording/replaying function which works exactly the same as in the Flipper Zero. Additional function is Radio Chat communicator
You simply connect your Arduino Pro Micro (Arduino Leonardo clone from Sparkfun) to USB port of your PC and launch Putty terminal to communicate with CC1101 module over USB Serial port ( /dev/ttyACM0 port in Linux, COMxx in Windows).
Ostinato aims to be the equal and opposite package to Wireshark, which is to say it is a simple, easy to use (if you know networking, that is) packet generator which lets you construct packets from the physical layer all the way up into individual applications. Can also load, edit, and replay on the wire the contents of PCAP files.