The black bricks are where the LED bricks are supposed to go.
The weirdest, most unusual stuff on the surplus market at surprisingly good prices. Check back occasionally, you never know what you're going to find.
A small company that makes replica props from television and movies.
A database of what kind of adhesives should be used to glue something to something else.
Found Item Clothing specializes in reproductions of iconic t-shirts from movies, including Revenge of the Nerds and Real Genius. There are some classics here...
Create your own badges and ID cards. Not really official looking, but gamers will find it useful for making prop ID cards.
A father-and-sons team that make ten minute audio loops of all kinds of background sound, from wild west saloons to airliners, circuses, rivers, towns, science fiction setings, and more. Great for ambience for tabletop RPGs.
The website of someone who makes and sells replicas of famous movie props, such as the grail diary from the Indiana Jones movies and Marty's letter to Doc Brown in the second Back to the Future movie. Most impressive!
A blog dedicated to C'thul'hu mythos-related props and other crafts.