A fast, simple, easy to use multithreaded port scanner. Looks like it's written in pure Python. TCP only right now.
Looks like it could be a useful code reference, too.
An Ansible playbook for setting up an Ansible XMPP server as a Tor hidden services. Notable because there's a main.yml file that describes how to configure the Tor hidden service itself. It lists all the ports that have to be available at the hidden service. It also has a sample Prosody config file that describes how to configure Prosody to serve up a hidden service and have it work.
wait-for-it.sh is a pure bash script that will wait on the availability of a host and TCP port. It is useful for synchronizing the spin-up of interdependent services, such as linked docker containers. Since it is a pure bash script, it does not have any external dependencies.
How to run FTP over an SSH tunnel to another server. It involves setting up a couple of port forwards and FTP in passive mode.
How to install vim from the FreeBSD ports collection without it installing most of X along with it.
cd /usr/ports/editors/vim
make WITHOUT_X11=yes install clean