Many years ago, there was a Serial Experiments Lain game for the PSX that was released in Japan only. Over the years fans have pulled it apart, translated it into several languages, and turned it into a web game so you don't need a hacked Playstation and copies of the disks. It's a visual novel that basically retells the story of Lain.
This is the Commodre 64 KERNAL, modified to run on the Atari 8-bit line of computers. They're practically the same machine; why didn't someone try this 30 years ago?
You will need bash, dasm, and Python 3.
Devilution has also been ported to WebAssembly, so you can play Diablo in your web browser (again, assuming that you have the legit commercial or shareware release .mpq files).
If you just want to give it a spin:
howto use nc or ncat to "ping" a remote host on port 22 ssh (would work on any port, really) and get a "Yes, this host is online"/
The main thrust of the article is how to whip together a quick and dirty HTTP server for static pages using Python and Cherrypy. I saved this article because the worst-ranked response also tells you how to hardcode (read, make configurable at runtime) the port and IP address a CherryPy instance listens on.
cherrypy.server.socket_port = 80
cherrypy.server.socket_host = ''