This device is necessary for connecting a SEGA dreamcast to a computer's modem via phone line. This is so that the dreamcast can get access to the internet. This is used in popular projects such as DreamPi.
It provides power to a dry telephone line allowing phones and modems to be used without a telephone network. This is popularly used with a SEGA Dreamcast to get online, but it can also be useful for connecting two computer modems together or even just two telephones.
In particular this is handy for computers with software modems. Any modem that needs drivers is a software modem. They do not produce their own line voltage. Two soft modems can communicate with each other using this device.
A directory of e-mail addresses that can be used to send alerts to various mobile devices (phones, pagers, etc) via e-mail. Most of them consist of the phone number at some specific hostname.
They sell replacement parts for refitting and reconditioning old telephony stuff. This particular page is for fixing up phones.
In addition to parts, they have a fascinating collection of telephony-related locks and keys.
The Phone of the Wind originated in Japan by its creator Itaru Sasaki, while grieving his cousin who died of Cancer. He purchased an old-fashioned phone booth and set it up in his garden. He installed an obsolete rotary phone not connected to wires or any "earthly system." Here, Itaru felt a continued connection to his cousin and found comfort and healing amid his grief. Itaru gave his phone booth a name, Kaze No Denwa (風の電話), translated as The Telephone of the Wind.
The Phone of the Wind is a shrine mindfully created to connect people to their loved ones on the other side. It is one of the world's most powerful resilience sites. Grievers travel from around the world to "call" their loved ones in spirit, to say the things they didn't get a chance to say while the person was living. It is a place that offers the peace and solitude grievers need to work through their pain. Itaru Sasaki has inspired the creation of many beautiful spaces all over the world with the sole purpose of holding space for a griever. One where the wind will carry their words to those they love who have gone ahead.
Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
Packages are as well documented as possible in order to provide a better understanding of what you can delete or not. The worst issue that could happen is removing an essential system package needed during boot causing then an unfortunate bootloop. After about 5 failed system boots, the phone will automatically reboot in recovery mode, and you'll have to perform a FACTORY RESET. Make a backup first!
In any case, you CANNOT brick your device with this software! That's the main point, right?
They sell old phones, mods to same so they can be used with modern equipment, and replacement parts.
Handset receiver elements:
Generate random phone numbers for all countries using the mobile phone generator. These numbers are fake, but they are built using the validations of telephone numbers.
The homepage of the Mojave Phone Booth (RIP).
Homepage of the PLA. Fun stuff, here!
A website dedicated to helping people navigate mazes of IVR systems to talk to a human operator.
An archive of recordings from the early days of phone phreaking- stuff like conversations recorded off of bridges, tone sequences, war stories, stuff like that.
An archive of recorded messages and error tones from United States telephony networks. Available for online listening or free download.
FrequencyCheck is a website that helps you determine if your current cellphone will work on the cellular networks of a particular country. You can either search for devices compatible with a particular carrier, or carriers compatible with a certain mobile device.
Super cheap burner phones. Aimed at kids. mp3 bluetooth Super thin.