This repository contains processing code for a software defined radio based passive radar. Passive radars don't transmit any signals of their own - instead, they locate targets by detecting the echoes of ambient radio signals that bounce off of them. Uses FM radio broadcasts as the illuminating signal. This is not realtime - it analyzes stored PR information and displays it, and it's not quick. It does tell you how to collect your own radar data, however, as well as which SDRs are feasible.
A real-time radar which can support various SDR platforms.
Support for the SDRplay RSPDuo and USRP (only tested on the B210). 2 channel processing for a reference and surveillance signal. Designed to be used with external RF source (for passive radar or active radar). Outputs delay-Doppler maps to a web front-end. Record raw IQ data by pressing spacebar on the web front-end. Saves delay-Doppler maps in a JSON array.
IVRE (Instrument de veille sur les réseaux extérieurs) is a network recon framework, including tools for passive and active recon. IVRE can use data from numerous passive sensors and active scanning tools. You can think of it as a self-hosted and fully-controlled alternative to Shodan / ZoomEye / Censys, GreyNoise, and more. In the AUR.
How to run FTP over an SSH tunnel to another server. It involves setting up a couple of port forwards and FTP in passive mode.