Quiet is an alternative to team chat apps like Slack, Discord, and Element that does not require trusting a central server or running one's own. In Quiet, all data syncs directly between a team's devices over Tor with no server required.
Quiet is written (mostly) in TypeScript, with Electron and React Native frontends.
While apps like Slack, Discord, and Signal use central servers, Quiet syncs messages directly between a team's devices, over Tor, with no server required.
Each group of people (Quiet calls them "communities") gets their own insular network, so that data from one community never touches the devices of Quiet users in other communities. Not even in encrypted form!
Message syncing is taken care of by a project called OrbitDB, which works like a mashup of Git, a gossip protocol, and BitTorrent; it broadcasts new messages, syncs the latest messages, and fetches files. Syncing means that users typically receive all messages sent while they were offline.
This is a free communication tool that is designed for simplicity, privacy, and security. All interaction between you and your online peers is encrypted. There is no record of your conversation once you all leave.
Serverless, decentralized, ephemeral. Peer to peer whenever possible. Explicitly designed to be self-hostable. Public and private rooms. Audio and video chat. File transfer.
Welcome to OpenCola™, a P2P content sharing and discovery network. It's an alternative to current social media that puts you in control of your personal data and allows you to shape the flow of information around you.
Github: https://github.com/johnmidgley/opencola-alpha
It's an alpha release. Still tricky. Messing with it.
Yggdrasil is an overlay network implementation of a new routing scheme for mesh networks. It is designed to be a future-proof decentralised alternative to the structured routing protocols commonly used today on the Internet and other networks.
The current implementation of Yggdrasil is a lightweight userspace software router which is easy to configure and supported on a wide range of platforms. It provides end-to-end encrypted IPv6 routing between all network participants. Peerings between nodes can be configured using TCP/TLS connections over local area networks, point-to-point links or the Internet. Even though the Yggdrasil Network provides IPv6 routing between nodes, peering connections can be set up over either IPv4 or IPv6.
This is still an alpha-stage project and there may be some breaking changes in the future. Despite that, Yggdrasil is generally stable enough for day-to-day use and a small number of users have been using and stress-testing Yggdrasil quite heavily for a variety of use cases.
p2p IRC-inspired self-hosted web chat. Seems to be encrypted, or at least signed for identification (ECC keypairs). Uses WebRTC and Webtorrent. STUN and TURN enabled.
Lots and lots of Javascript so download a release. Only requires a static webhost, though.
Nebula is a mutually authenticated peer-to-peer software defined network based on the Noise Protocol Framework. Nebula uses certificates to assert a node's IP address, name, and membership within user-defined groups. Nebula's user-defined groups allow for provider agnostic traffic filtering between nodes. Discovery nodes allow individual peers to find each other and optionally use UDP hole punching to establish connections from behind most firewalls or NATs. Users can move data between nodes in any number of cloud service providers, datacenters, and endpoints, without needing to maintain a particular addressing scheme.
Nebula was created to provide a mechanism for groups hosts to communicate securely, even across the internet, while enabling expressive firewall definitions similar in style to cloud security groups.
The homepage of the man that wrote the Great Worm.
A free, open source, distributed search engine using peer to peer communication methods for both search and indexing. Fully decentralized. Written in Java. Install it, start it up, and turn it loose. Can also be used to set up stand-alone nodes for use on intranets, darknets (there's a YaCy instance somewhere in the Tor darknet), and probably single hosts (as a personal search engine).
emcomm system designed for emergency situation use when the communications grid is offline. Dedicated hardware base stations and on-board webapps. Registered users can get access to the data, others cannot. encryption Smartphone app for accessing the services. Supposedly the app is p2p as well. GWOB and Frank Sandborn are involved in the project; good.
The github repo of work pertaining to IoT communications and protocols over XMPP instead of other methods or networks. One advantage is that, by using p2p XMPP, devices could communicate with each other.