A site that lets you create map layers on top of Open Streetmap and make them shareable and embeddable. You can upload geodata or sketch in the data you want.
Source code: https://github.com/umap-project/umap
For collecting GPS track logs suitable for uploading to Open Streetmap, gpsd includes a utility (gpxlogger) which connects to a running gpsd and generates those files. This is a link to its manpage.
Data feeds on the Open Streetmap site.
Homepage for a mobile application that lets you map to and validate Open Streetmaps satellite imint. Part of the Humanitarian Open Streetmap project.
An Open Streetmap effort to build maps of places that are underserved. Humanitarian effort to fill in the blanks where companies don't or won't reach.
A service which lets you download specific portions of the OpenStreetmap database.
volunteer effort to improve the state of Open Streetmap in places that are generally ignored by other maps because they're too far away, too rural, or otherwise unprivileged or underserved. NGOs and first responders rely on OSM during disasters. They can also rally mappers to develop datasets in specific locations at need (after disasters, usually).