Headway is a maps stack in a box that makes it easy to take your location data into your own hands. With just a few commands you can bring up your own fully functional maps server. This includes a frontend, basemap, geocoder and routing engine. Over 200 different cities are currently supported.
Headway is currently capable of showing a map, searching for points of interest and addresses within an OpenStreetMap extract and providing directions between any two places within that extract. Supported modes include driving, cycling and walking. Transit directions are a work-in-progress.
OpenStreetMap is an open map being used by millions of devices and users every day. It can both be edited and used by anyone free of charge.
This curated list contains projects using OpenStreetMap data for creative purposes, as well as projects dedicated to improving OpenStreetMap.
OpenStreetMap find - A simple command line tool to explore OSM data in a Postgres database. Accepts queries of the form <latitude> <longitude> <radius around those coordinates in meters> <optional OSM tag> and returns what's there as well as OSM metadata about it. UNIX philosophy, so you can GSCA the output.
A Python module which makes it easy to carry out GIS related operations. Look up coordinates of addresses, locations, and landmarks. Has a geocoding function. Can calculate distance between two points on the globe. Pretty straightforward to use.
A site that lets you create map layers on top of Open Streetmap and make them shareable and embeddable. You can upload geodata or sketch in the data you want.
Source code: https://github.com/umap-project/umap
Homepage for a mobile application that lets you map to and validate Open Streetmaps satellite imint. Part of the Humanitarian Open Streetmap project.
An openstreetmap app for android which keeps tabs on your GPS coordinates and shares your location in an anonymous fashion with a random Target ID and tracking code. Can share with chosen people or the public at large. Can transmit and receive data via SMS.
A site that has presents a step-by-step howto for getting involved with OpenStreetmap.