An open source threat intel and sharing platform. Lots of ad-hoc visualization methods are available to make sense of data. Includes lots of taxonomies to organize data and do some of the work for you.
You can store your IOCs in a structured manner, and thus enjoy the correlation, automated exports for IDS, or SIEM, in STIX or OpenIOC and synchronize to other MISPs. You can now leverage the value of your data without effort and in an automated manner. The primary goal of MISP is to be used. This is why simplicity is the driving force behind the project. Storing and especially using information about threats and malware should not be difficult. MISP is there to help you get the maximum out of your data without unmanageable complexity. MISP will make it easier for you to share with, but also to receive from trusted partners and trust-groups. Sharing also enabled collaborative analysis and prevents you from doing the work someone else already did before.
Threat Intelligence is much more than Indicators of Compromise. This is why MISP provides metadata tagging, feeds, visualization and even allows you to integrate with other tools for further analysis thanks to its open protocols and data formats. Having access to a large amount of Threat information through MISP Threat Sharing communities gives you outstanding opportunities to aggregate this information and take the process of trying to understand how all this data fits together telling a broader story to the next level. We are transforming technical data or indicators of compromise (IOCs) into cyber threat intelligence. MISP comes with many visualization options helping analysts find the answers they are looking for.
Of interest:
There are more repos but I haven't gone through them yet.
Jemm is an "Expanded Memory Manager" (EMM), based on the source of FreeDOS' Emm386. It should work with MS-DOS and compatible DOSes, including FreeDOS. Like other EMMs it uses extended memory to simulate expanded memory (EMS) according to EMS v3.2 and EMS v4.0. Can load drivers and resident programs into UMB (upper memory blocks) to free up core memory. Can map RAM to the video address segments A000-AFFF and B000-B7FF. Installs VCPI (Virtual Control Program Interface) services to allow DOS applications running in V86-mode to switch to protected mode. VCPI also implements a simple memory manager. Installs a VDS (Virtual DMA Service) API to give drivers/applications some control over DMA and physical addresses in V86-mode.
There are 2 versions of Jemm:
JemmEx most likely is the better choice because it will need less DOS memory than an external XMM + Jemm386.
The OpenFlexure project uses 3D printers and off the shelf components to build open-source, lab-grade microscopes for a fraction of traditional prices. Used in over 50 countries and every continent, the project aims to enable Microscopy for Everyone.
Once based primarily at the University of Bath and University of Cambridge, the project has spread. From the Antarctic ice to pathology labs in Rwanda, OpenFlexure Microscopes are transforming the role of microscopy in healthcare, education and in the field. Conversations, suggestions and issues are all hosted on our forum.
As an academic project, the core development team is now based at the University of Glasgow. We’re grateful for the support we’ve received from our funders, as well as our collaborations with groups including the Baylor College of Medicine, Bongo Tech & Research Labs, and Mboalab.
Git repos for all of their projects:
SvarDOS is an open-source project that is meant to integrate the best out of the currently available DOS tools, drivers and games. DOS development has been abandoned by commercial players a long time ago, mostly during early nineties. Nowadays it survives solely through the efforts of hobbyists and retro-enthusiasts, but this is a highly sparse and unorganized ecosystem. SvarDOS aims to collect available DOS software and make it easy to find and install applications using a network-enabled package manager (like apt-get, but for DOS and able to run on a 8086 PC).
Once installed, SvarDOS is a minimalistic DOS system that offers only a DOS kernel, a command interpreter and the most basic tools for system administration. It is then up to the user to install additional packages. Care is taken so SvarDOS remains 8086-compatible, at least in its most basic (core) configuration.
SvarDOS is published under the terms of the MIT license. This applies only to SvarDOS-specific files, though - the auxilliary packages supplied with SvarDOS may be subject to different licenses (GPL, BSD, Public Domain, Freeware...)
SvarDOS is a rolling release, meaning that it does not adhere to the concept of "versions". Once the system is installed, its packages can be kept up-to-date using the SvarDOS online update tools (pkg & pkgnet).
Read-only Github repo:
An ESP8266 based RS232 <-> WiFi modem with Hayes AT style commands and LED indicators. It makes the appropriate noises.
This project grew out of a desire to get an old Ampro LB+/Z80 hooked up to the Internet. Right from the start, I knew I wanted a row of LED indicators at the front of the modem so that it would be reminiscent of an old Hayes Smartmodem. (I briefly considered finding an old Smartmodem on eBay, but soon remembered that the case had in fact been made of metal; they don't build 'em like that anymore.) Since the modem was going to be hooked up to the Little Board's serial port, I needed an actual RS-232 level serial port, with either a DB-25 or DE-9 connector. And finally, since I wanted the Hayes style LEDs, I thought it would be handy to have the Hayes AT commands too, at least as close as I could manage.
This is the sort of project that you can build yourself, for fun. Even the right kinds of project boxes are linked in the bill of materials, along with the Kicad schematics and greyprints for the panels.
The default serial configuration is 9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
A high-quality selection of free icons. Your new alternative to Noun Project, Flaticon, and all Figma resources. Available in SVG, Font, React, React Native, Flutter, Figma and Framer.
Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration. Available for all of the usual platforms.
If you shell into a machine and get a terminfo complaint, you'll want to install the ghostty-terminfo
package for whatever you logged into. Actually does transparency nicely.
Vuls is an open-source, agentless vulnerability scanner based on information from uses multiple vulnerability databases NVD, JVN, OVAL, RHSA/ALAS/ELSA/FreeBSD-SA and Changelogs. The latest versions detect vulnerabilities that patches have not been published from distributors. Runs on a single machine, does its job over SSH, no need for installing and managing agent software. Runs anywhere you set it up. Remote scan mode is required to only setup one machine that is connected to other scan target servers via SSH. If you don't want the central Vuls server to connect to each server by SSH, you can use Vuls in the Local Scan mode. Fast scan mode scans without root privilege, no internet access, almost no load on the scan target server. Deep scan mode scans in more detail. It is possible to detect vulnerabilities in non-OS packages, such as something you compiled by yourself, language libraries and frameworks, that have been registered in the CPE.
Open-weather is a feminist experiment in imaging and imagining the earth and its weather systems using DIY tools. We weave storytelling with low cost hardware and open-source software to transform our relations to a planet in climate crisis.
Co-led by Soph Dyer and Sasha Engelmann since 2020, open-weather makes artworks, leads inclusive workshops and develops resources on satellite imagery reception and reading. Through these activities, a network has formed around the project, currently numbering more than one hundred DIY Satellite Ground Station operators around the world, from Buenos Aires to Berlin.
In the tradition of intersectional feminism, open-weather investigates the politics of location and interlocking oppressions that shape our capacities to observe, negotiate, and respond to the climate crisis. In doing so, open-weather challenges dominant representations of earth and environment while complicating ideas of the weather beyond the meteorological.
The SPDX License List is an integral part of the SPDX Specification. The SPDX License List itself is a list of commonly found licenses and exceptions used in free and open or collaborative software, data, hardware, or documentation. The SPDX License List includes a standardized short identifier, the full name, the license text, and a canonical permanent URL for each license and exception.
The purpose of the SPDX License List is to enable efficient and reliable identification of such licenses and exceptions in an SPDX document, in source files or elsewhere.
Open source licenses are licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition – in brief, they allow software to be freely used, modified, and shared. To be approved by the Open Source Initiative (also known as the OSI) a license must go through the Open Source Initiative’s license review process.
A replacement file manager for Windows that tries to suck less. Especially if you disabled Recall and it retaliated by breaking the existing file manager. Supports multiple tabs. Cloud storage provider integration. Configurable layouts. Supports tagging files and folders. Explore and edit compressed archives. File preview. Git integration.
Download the classic installer or buy it through the Microsoft Store to help support the project.
Space Nerds In Space is an open source (GPLv2) cooperative multiplayer starship simulator for linux (may also work on Mac). So go out and get together with a crew of your linux-nerd friends and their computers in a room with a projector or TV, and go forth and explore the galaxy.
One computer runs the central server simulation of the game's universe. Each player's computer acts as a station on a simulated spaceship. There are stations for Navigation, Weapons, Engineering, Communications, Damage Control, and the "Main View", an out-the-window 3d rendering. Multiple starships each with their own team may connect to the server for bridge-vs-bridge combat, or for cooperative play. Additionally, a game master may inject and control various NPC ships into the game to entertain the players, and scenarios may be constructed with a Lua based scripting API.
Source code: is a non-profit, ad-free search engine. Our goal is to provide the best available information without compromise. The index is built on data from Common Crawl and the engine is written in C++. The source code is available. We are still at an early stage of development and running the search engine on a shoestring budget.
In theory you can set up your own instance. In practice, I don't know how practical that would be.
An open-source, 35mm full-frame (36mm x 24mm) CCD mirror-less interchangable lens camera (MILC). The original goal of this project was to create a digital camera back to convert SLR cameras to DSLR cameras, but has since changed to build a full MILC.
This means that the project includes building a logic board with a system-on-a-chip, optical and ranging sensors, ports, storage media, an LCD screen... this is not a beginner's project. Nor is it a project for casual photographers.
BarkVR is an open-source and decentralized social XR creativity tool, built upon the solid foundation of Godot 4.x.
The project is still in the very early stages. Please feel free to support the project however you wish, or not at all.
For those eager to follow BarkVR's progress, the "dev" branch is where the latest changes are. Main will eventually be reserved for tagged releases.
RIOT is a free, open source operating system developed by a grassroots community gathering companies, academia, and hobbyists, distributed all around the world. RIOT supports most low-power IoT devices, microcontroller architectures (32-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit), and external devices. RIOT aims to implement all relevant open standards supporting an Internet of Things that is connected, secure, durable & privacy-friendly.
Supports over 200 boards based on AVR, MSP430, ESP8266, ESP32, RISC-V, ARM7 and ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers.
RIOT supports DTLS transport layer security, IEEE 802.15.4 encryption, Secure Firmware Updates (SUIT), multiple cryptographic packages, and crypto secure elements. Modular to adapt to application needs. We aim to support all common network technologies and Internet standards. RIOT is open to new developments and often an early adaptor in networking.
Develop in standard languages using standard tools. Modular. Real-time capable. Multithreaded with low overhead (less than 25 bytes/thread). Supports common and specialized protocols (6LoWPAN, IPv6, RPL, UDP, TCP, QUIC, MQTT-SN, CoAP, CBOR) and interfaces (BLE, LoRaWAN, 802.15.4, WLAN, CAN). Static and dynamic memory allocation.
This board helps test floppy drives of several different types:
The board basically breaks out every signal to a control switch, indicator LED, or test point. It's not designed as a flux imaging tool--it's just a simple way to exercise features of a floppy drive.
There is an optional section of the board that is a step controller for the head stepper motor. This controller has an encoder wheel and a small 7-segment display. It will let you select and automatically step to a particular track.
Uses an ATmega328PB microcontroller as its CPU.
This repository is the offical place to hold all the source codes around the PC/GEOS graphical user interface and its sophisticated applications. It is the source to build SDK and release version of PC/GEOS. It is the place to collaborate on further developments.
The base of this repository is the source code used to build Breadbox Ensemble 4.13 reduced by some modules identified as critical in regard to the license choosen for the repository.
While now the WATCOM is used to compile the C parts, the full SDK is available for Windows and Linux.
Vulnerability Lookup facilitates quick correlation of vulnerabilities from various sources, independent of vulnerability IDs, and streamlines the management of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD).
Vulnerability Lookup is also a collaborative platform where users can comment on security advisories and create bundles.
Consolidates vulnerabilities from multiple sources.
At present, 13 different sources and four output formats. You can also download dumps from any of those sources as raw data.
Each source has its own RSS feed that can be monitored. Not every entry has an immediately obvious title, and not every entry has a description, so you'll want to pull the URL in the link field and analyze from there.