Information about the various models of RasPi.
This is the official California state government website for making sure that you're still registered to vote. It needs your name, birthday, and driver's license and Social Security number.
Technically, it's /either/ your driver's license /or/ your SSN, but if you enter one you'll have to check "I do not have one" box for the other and that might cause erroneous results. Your tax dollars at work.
Fan published, approved materials for the OWoD and 20th game lines.
The homepage of the Mojave Phone Booth (RIP).
Strange books about fortean adventures around the world.
This is a copy of The Old School Emulation Center ( maintained by Jason Scott at It contains software, firmware images, documentation, texts, and much more for nearly 200 computer systems, from the Sinclair ZX Spectrum to the NCR Decision Mate V to the Kaypro II. If you're a retrocomputing enthusiast (or you're tasked with resurrecting a legacy machine for some reason) you'll want to poke around in here, you might find something helpful.