The device is HID mouse controller with 4 buttons. There are: left mouse click, right mouse click, wheel up and wheel down as buttons. Connected to PC by Bluetooth. The controller is implemented as a ring on the hand. Designed for left and right handed execution. The device is based on the Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 microcontroller, it has its own battery power supply. The battery is of course charged when the USB cable is connected. Charging is indicated by a green LED. Magnetic cable can be used. Used together with Leap Motion and fingers, it eliminates the need for a mouse in the cockpit and allows hands/fingers to operate the buttons.
A utility which unfucks Mac OSX's general hatred of third party mice and touchpads. Forces OSX to treat them just like Apple's own hardware. Stable, still maintained, regular updates released. Even has its own OSX auto-updater to keep everything up to date. Fixes scrollwheels and two-finger scrolling, too!
Seriously. This utility saved my sanity at work.