"I started listening to hardcore / breakbeat in 1991, going to raves and buying tapes and getting tapes off mates. It was a big disappointment around 1993/4 when the Scottish scene split. The old hardcore / breakbeat was gone up here in Scotland and our scene moved to the bouncier harder style. Don't get me wrong, I loved it for a few years until 1997 when it just got too fast and the raves were playing mostly gabba. I stopped going to raves early 1997. Around 2004 I found some old rave tapes in my parents house and listened to them. Fell in love again and started to roam the internet to find some of the tapes I used to listen to. Found a website (am sure it was called Hardcore Will Never Die) and they had tape rips from a lot of English raves. I started to download from there and it spiralled."
Through years of trial and error - skipping around internet radio stations, playing our entire music collections on shuffle, or just hammering single albums on repeat, we have found that the most effective music to aid prolonged periods of intense concentration tends to have a mixture of qualities. This is a site of mixes contributed by various people to hack to.