This is the officially support Keybase Python library. It is an unopinionated, simple wrapper around the Keybase CLI API for creating an interactive bot or general scripting. This library does not attempt to do intent parsing or manage state at all. You'll have to build that yourself, but with the examples, this library will hopefully make whatever you want to build much easier.
This library is very far from exhaustively covering the complete Keybase API, but it is our hope that it will be easy to add to. It currently does reading from channels and writing messages/reactions pretty well. That's enough for the vast majority of basic functionality. Future work can add teams behavior, more wallet functionality...
An alternative to Twitter's verified program powered by Keybase.
Proven is a browser extension that adds badges like for keybase, github, etc next to users names like Twitter's verified badge but based what accounts the user has posted proofs for Keybase. See the screenshot for what it looks like.
In addition to twitter, it adds badges on Hacker News too.
Available for Chrome and Firefox.