skies-adsb transforms your browser into a real-time 3D air traffic display. Using ADS-B data from an RTL-SDR receiver, you can explore local air traffic, surrounding airspace, and geography with customizable 3D maps. Runs on all major modern browsers. skies-adsb requires a build process prior to deployment and cannot be run directly from source code.
Machine learning has become more and more powerful, to the point where a bad actor can take a photo and a voice recording of someone you know, and forge a complete video recording. Bad actors can now digitally impersonate someone you love, and trick you into doing things like paying a ransom. To mitigate that risk, I have developed this simple solution where you can setup a unique time-based one-time passcode (TOTP) between any pair of persons.
Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. Our goal is to create a browser based editor that matches and extends the features, usability and performance of existing native editors such as TextMate, Vim or Eclipse. It can be easily embedded in any web page or JavaScript application. Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) Project.
Syntax highlighting for over 120 languages. Over 20 themes. Automatic indent and outdent. An optional command line. Handles huge documents (at last check, 4,000,000 lines is the upper limit). Fully customizable key bindings including vim and Emacs modes. Search and replace with regular expressions. Highlight matching parentheses.
Toggle between soft tabs and real tabs. Displays hidden characters. Drag and drop text using the mouse. Line wrapping. Code folding. Multiple cursors and selections. Live syntax checker (currently only JavaScript/CoffeeScript/CSS/XQuery). Cut, copy, and paste functionality.
You do not generally need to build ACE. The ace-builds repository endeavours to maintain the latest build, and you can just copy one of src/* subdirectories somewhere into your project. I'd probably feel safer downloading a release, to be honest.
A browser-based WARC file viewer. No data is uploaded anywhere and no information is collected. All content rendered stays directly in your browser. When loading an archive from Google Drive, the site may ask for account authorization to download the specified file only.
Github: provides a static site generated with MkDocs, an npm package/library, and an Electron app all in this repo.
This repository contains the 'frontend' UI for the replay system, while the 'backend' is provided via a service worker implementation found at: (Of course, both frontend and backend actually run in the browser).
The frontend is loaded from ui.js, while the backend service/web worker is loaded from sw.js.
Bootstrap/386 is a Bootstrap v2/3/4/5(in progress) theme to make webpages look like they are from the gentler, less distracting time of the 1980s. Does a great job of making a website look like an MS-DOS application running on a somewhat slow PC. Resembles the Borland Turbo UI in many ways. The Javascript even looks fairly configurable.
I'm Simone, pronounced like see-mow-nay
on the internet my nick name is usually syx. I was born in Taranto (Italy) where I lived most of my life. I moved to Dublin (Ireland) 8 years ago where I currently work as a software engineer. I have a degree in computer science from University of Bari.
In my free time I like to practice inline skating and roam around the streets of Dublin on my Rollerblades. Being Ireland such a great hiking location I enjoy exploring the countryside and hike the amazing Wicklow mountains.
I'm passionate about retrocomputing, when I get the chance I collect old computers from the 80s. I try to learn old programming languages and paradigms, imagining what life was like before the slick miniaturized fancy tech we use today. I'm also really fond of skeuomorphic design of 90s and early 2000s UIs.
There's some fun stuff going on here.
The world's #1 open source rich text editor.
Using an old version of TinyMCE? We recommend you to upgrade to TinyMCE 7 to continue receiving security updates, or consider TinyMCE 5 LTS if you need more time to upgrade.
Used and trusted by millions of developers, TinyMCE is the world’s most customizable, scalable, and flexible rich text editor. We’ve helped launch the likes of Atlassian, Medium, Evernote (and lots more that we can’t tell you), by empowering them to create exceptional content and experiences for their users.
An end-to-end encrypted collaborative office suite. Multiple users can work on the same document at the same time. Everything is encrypted end-to-end, including on disk. There's a full suite of applications: A rich text editor, spreadsheet, IDE, kanban, presentation slide editor, whiteboard, and buildable forms. Use theirs or stand up your own instance.
Bitsy is a little engine for little games, worlds, and stories. The goal is to make it easy to make games where you can walk around and talk to people and be somewhere.
Bitsy games are composed of several rooms that your avatar can walk between. As your avatar walks around your Bitsy world they may interact with sprites (people, objects etc. that you can talk to) and items. Anything non-interactive in a room is called a tile, which is used for decoration. In Bitsy you create your sprites, items, tiles, and behaviour such as dialog and transitions between rooms in different tools from the toolbar, and then put them all together inside the room tool. Has its own scripting engine.
At any point you can download your game to play it outside of the Bitsy editor.
FreeSewing is open source software to generate bespoke sewing patterns, loved by home sewers and fashion entrepreneurs alike. Industry sizing is a bunch of lies. Join the slow fashion revolution and enjoy clothes that fit you.
FreeSewing is not a company. We do not sell anything. We do not have staff or employees. We do not have an office. We do not get paid. Our website does not contain any advertising. We do not track you or sell your personal data. We do not violate your privacy.
Pick a design for something. Key in your measurements (if you're not sure how to do it right they'll teach you). Customize the pattern if you like. Print it out, pin it on, and get sewing.
Or you can use their software on your own:
Simple minimodem BBS with a 3d printed acoustic coupler case. The acoustic coupler was designed to hold a USB speaker and microphone, which you can buy from Adafruit.
Requires Linux. PJSUA and minimodem must be installed. The BBS uses shell scripts and javascript to relay messages via minimodem over VoIP. On the server side, start PJSUA then start the script. Minimodem is set to run at 100bps. Edit the shell scripts if you want to change the baud. You will need to edit the script, minimodem -A alsa option should match your USB microphone and speaker. Use arecord -l and aplay -l linux commands to find their card numbers.
Adobe Acrobat supports executable Javascript in PDF files.
Somebody compiled DOOM to webasm, embedded it in Javascript in a PDF, and if you open it in a Chromium-based browser you can play it.
A pixel-perfect web-based MS Paint remake and more. Ah yes, good old Paint. Not the one with the ribbons or the new skeuomorphic one with the interface that can take up nearly half the screen. (And not the even newer Paint 3D.) Recreates every tool and menu of MS Paint, and even little-known features, to a high degree of fidelity. It supports themes, additional file types, and accessibility features like a Dwell Clicker and Speech Recognition. Claims to be mobile friendly.
You can create links that will open an image from the Web in JS Paint. Rudimentary multi-user collaboration support. It isn't seamless; actions by other users interrupt what you're doing, and visa versa. Sessions are not private, and you may lose your work at any time.
jsPaint can be installed as a Progressive Web App (PWA), although it doesn't work offline yet. Look for the install prompt in the address bar.
A web-based P2P collaborative editor for live coding sounds and images. Similar to Etherpad, but focused on code evaluation for livecoding. Multiple separate slots for different languages and tools. Supports REPL plugins which allow users to locally evaluate code from interpreters (like Haskell, Ruby, Python, etc.) Supports web plugins for languages embedded in editor (like Hydra, p5, and Strudel).
WARNING: Using a public server can be dangerous as anyone can execute code on your computer via Flok, so please make sure you only share your session URL to trusted users and friends when you use a public server.
A lightweight and cross platform QR Code and Bar code scanning library for the web. Support scanning different types of bar codes and QR codes. Supports different platforms and browsers. Supports scanning with camera as well as local files. Comes with an end to end library with UI as well as a low level library to build your own UI with.
Based on zxing-js.
A sane, self-hosted password generator. Written in Javascript, basic interactive webapp. Generates random passcodes on demand. Offers all of the usual options -- length, choice of characters, omit lookalike characters, caps and lowercase. No build process. Has instructions for running your own copy.
A web component for peaks.js that implements the actual "give me a player for this file" widget. Generate a .dat file for the MP3 with the audiowaveform utility and it gives you a little playback widget. Also supports playlists as JSON documents.
A cross-platform HTML5 QR code & barcode reader. Does not have a build process, just clone the repo, serve it, and there you go.
Probably kind of limited in what kinds of barcodes it can interpret.
Protomaps is an open source system for interactive web maps, deployable as a single static file on cloud storage. Protomaps can optionally be delivered through an edge network like AWS Cloudfront and Cloudflare for ultra-low latency, using Lambda or Workers. First-class support for mapping libraries like Leaflet and MapLibre GL to enable vector cartography and visualization of your own geodata. Your map-based projects and sites don't depend on a third party service or API keys, and work offline, forever. Protomaps also maintains a Tiles API - get a free API key. It's free for non-commercial use, or commercial use paired with a GitHub sponsorship.
A self-hosted DTMF (dual tone, multi frequency) encoder/decoder. That's a fancy way of saying that you load it in your browser and it gives you a dialpad (0-9, *, #, A-D) that you can peck at and it'll generate DTMF tones. It also can hook your microphone through your browser, listen to DTMF tones, and tell you what they mean.
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
yarn build
yarn start
is a good way of kicking the tires.Everything in build/ should be handled by a web server.
You'll have to hand-hack the /index.html file because it's hardcoded for /DTMF-Tool/ instead of /. I should probably file a bug for that.