hacktv-gui is, as the name suggests, a GUI frontend application for hacktv. It allows you to run hacktv without the use of a command line. In addition, it includes playlist support, a handler for online teletext services, and support for any streaming video site which is compatible with yt-dlp. You can also save your settings to a file and reload them later.
A collection of tools I use to reverse engineer PAL (programmable array logic) devices. These tools are meant to satisfy my needs. I'm sharing them here in case someone finds them useful.
Cross-platform, open-source voice assistant and framework to build fully-featured, offline machines you can talk to. Self-hosted. Desktop and mobile clients. Repos of note:
Library of Alexandria (LoA in short) is a project that aims to collect and archive documents from the internet.
In our modern age new text documents are born in a blink of an eye then (often just as quickly) disappear from the internet. We find it a noble task to save these documents for future generations.
This project aims to support this noble goal in a scalable way. We want to make the archival activity streamlined and easy to do even in a huge (Terabyte / Petabyte) scale. This way we hope that more and more people can start their own collection helping the archiving effort.
Welcome to OpenCola™, a P2P content sharing and discovery network. It's an alternative to current social media that puts you in control of your personal data and allows you to shape the flow of information around you.
Github: https://github.com/johnmidgley/opencola-alpha
It's an alpha release. Still tricky. Messing with it.
Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung mobile devices. Heimdall connects to a mobile device over USB and interact with software running on device known as Loke. Loke and Heimdall communicate via the custom Samsung-developed protocol sometimes referred to as the 'Odin protocol'. Low-level USB in Heimdall is handled by the popular open-source USB library, libusb.
How to identify servers and running apps that are vulnerable to log4shells without being able to log into them.
A few days ago, a serious new vulnerability was identified in Apache log4j v2 and published as CVE-2021-44228. We were one of the first security companies to write about it, and we named it "Log4Shell".
This guide will help you find trusted sources for Log4Shell information, determine if you are impacted by Log4Shell, and mitigate the Issue.
Xterm Window Manager (XtermWM) is a desktop environment / window manager for the console. XtermWM is expected to be helpful to users who want to have multiple windowed terminals, but not a full X11 desktop environment, admins who want a more capable physical console at the rack / head node, but will not (or cannot) install X11/Wayland, and people who used the DOS-era "shells" like IBM DOS Shell, DESQview, WordPerfect Office, and Direct Access, and want similar features in their terminals without having to learn Emacs Lisp.
A daemon which implements an API bridge to the Signal network. This is for hooking bots into the Signal messaging network as well as connecting other kinds of software and webhooks in.
Join the most popular Internet of Things platform with free Cloud, iOS and Android mobile apps, Web dashboard, and Machine Learning. Has mobile apps for interacting with interfaced devices. Assemble custom apps with a drag-and-drop builder. If it's networked and you can mess with it, you can get it talking to Blynk.
If you want to use their service, developer accounts are free but are limited to five (5) devices at a time. Paid service starts at $415us.
Open source: You can download the server's source code and run it yourself if you want. It's written in Java.
An Ajax-powered web IRC client. Has some PHP and some server-side Java. Ugh. Also requires Postgres and Redis.
A daemon that implements the Signal protocol. You have to interact with it through the UNIX socket it opens. You can either register a brand-new phone number for this daemon or add it to the one you already have.
In the AUR.
Analyze spectrograms created by rtl_power.
Visualization and exploration software for all kinds of graphs and networks. Map and explore data points and entities. Trace links between entities. Analyze graph data for patterns. Can be extended with plugins (https://gephi.org/plugins/).
An open source search engine for social media, by one of the developers of YaCy. Can monitor Twitter, Youtube, Github,
Can return JSON as well as RSS for search results.
Source code: https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server
A streaming media server you host yourself. Can run without a container as a first-class implementation (thank you!) Designed with web browsers specifically in mind, not client software. Written in Java, but nobody's perfect (recommends the OpenJRE!)
A tool which interfaces with Signal on behalf of one of your devices to send text messages. Designed for use in scripts. Written in Java, in the AUR, I probably already have it installed on Leandra.
Textricator is a tool for extracting text from PDFs and generating structured data (CSV or JSON). It can even work on OCR'ed documents. Describe what the document's contents look like with a YAML file and it'll extract the data using those fields. Can also be used as a Java library.