A fully featured browser based WebRTC SIP phone for Asterisk.
This web application is designed to work with Asterisk PBX. Once loaded application will connect to Asterisk PBX on its web socket, and register an extension. Calls are made between contacts, and a full call detail is saved. Audio Calls can be recorded. Video Calls can be recorded, and can be saved with 5 different recording layouts and 3 different quality settings. This application does not use any cloud systems or services, and is designed to be stand-alone. Additional libraries will be downloaded at run time (but can also be saved to the web server for a complete off-line solution).
Minimalist is a MINImalist MAiling LIST manager. It is fast, extremely easy to setup and support. It is written in Perl and tested on OpenBSD/OpenSMTPd. However there are no causes not to use Minimalist on any other Unix system, because it doesn't use any system-dependent features.
HTML5 SIP client. Written in Javascript, throw it onto a page and configure it to contact a SIP gateway of some kind. Uses webRTC built into all modern web browsers. Does audio as well as video. Can contact the PSTN if the gateway can.
Github repo: https://github.com/DoubangoTelecom/sipml5