The Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust (ARTT) project supports health communicators, educators, and other responders who work to keep local, online communities more informed.
Our main tool, the ARTT Guide, is a Web-based software assistant that provides a framework of possible responses for everyday conversations around tricky topics.
The project brings together insights from research fields such as computer science, social science, media literacy, conflict resolution, and psychology, in addition to practitioners from communities focusing on health-related communications in journalism, vaccine safety, and Wikipedia.
Once completed, the ARTT Guide will help our users answer the question: “What can I say and how do I say it?”
Slash pages are common pages you can add to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the IndieWeb.
Command line tools for fetching system/other information. Operating system, kernel, CPU, GPU, memory info and more.
The metadata.json file is updated after commit. You can request this file in raw format and use it like a static API. Interesting.
RSS Gizmos offers tools to create, find, and use RSS feeds better.
A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang. Supports fine-grained block-level reference and Markdown WYSIWYG. The data is saved in the workspace data folder. Data synchronization through third-party synchronization disks is not supported, otherwise data may be corrupted. Although it does not support third-party sync disks, it supports connect with third-party cloud storage.
hello i am maia arson crimew (it/she) and i am gay, mostly for girls, and i'm a tiny kitten :3 i know lot's of things about cyber security, programming and far too little about music but i still try to do all those things at once.
This is a playground (and dump) of stuff I made, modified, researched, or found for the Flipper Zero.
There's a lot of everything in here, from customized apps, BadUSB scripts, hardware specs for modders, GPIO interface shenanagains and interface pinouts, hardware troubleshooting, sound and music stuff, and sub-GHz captures and dissections for just about everything. It's an impressive collection.
Lists of many different things, from AI driven fake news domains to BitTorrent trackers, default login credentials to public DNSes, IMEIs of cellular manufacturers to maps of MILnet.
Tells you your IP address and assorted other web browser-related information. Also has a simple, cURL friendly API that supports multiple data formats.
A curated list of awesome Threat Intelligence resources
A concise definition of Threat Intelligence: evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject’s response to that menace or hazard.
Feel free to contribute.
Providing a suite of API endpoints to extract alternative data. Social sentiment analysis of companies, file analysis, insider trade retrieval and analysis, analyst ratings, ESG scoring.
Accessible through RapidAPI.
Free trial, 100 API calls/month. 2 requests/second
Requires Postgres as its back-end if you self-host.
Patch this into Searx?
This is a repository to track all of my ongoing projects, research, thoughts, work, code snippets, etc. Some of it may be useful to you, most of it will likely be nonsense. This will hopefully replace, open browser tabs, Google Docs, Pocket, Trello, Evernote,, text files, wiki pages, and good old fashioned paper, creating one unified place for all of my notes.
The California Independent System Operator (ISO) maintains reliability on one of the largest and most modern power grids in the world, and operates a transparent, accessible wholesale energy market. The organization works diligently around the clock to meet the electricity needs of consumers, while increasing the amount of renewable energy to usher in the clean, green grid of the future.
The California ISO provides open and non-discriminatory access to the bulk of the state’s wholesale transmission grid, supported by a competitive energy market and comprehensive infrastructure planning efforts.
Things of interest: Emergency notifications, daily briefings, API, power grid status, and electricity pricing.
I really need to figure out how to monitor this.
Welcome to Enlace Hacktivista! This site aims to:
Feel free to edit the wiki!
Recent changes ATOM feed:
The increasing risk that the Supreme Court will overturn federal constitutional abortion protections has refocused attention on the role digital service providers of all kinds play in facilitating access to health information, education, and care—and the data they collect in return.
In a post-Roe world, service providers can expect a raft of subpoenas and warrants seeking user data that could be employed to prosecute abortion seekers, providers, and helpers. They can also expect pressure to aggressively police the use of their services to provide information that may be classified in many states as facilitating a crime.
Whatever your position on reproductive rights, this is a frightening prospect for data privacy and online expression. That’s the bad news.
List of API's for gathering information about phone numbers, addresses, domains, etc.
Worldwide map of OSINT tools. 614 services (cadastral maps, business registries, public transport maps, passengers lists, vehicle information), and more.
Services broken down by country and by (USian) state.
There was a time when electronic calculators did not yet exist. This did not stop us from doing complicated things, like going to the moon, figuring out the double helix, or designing the Boeing 747. In those days, when we needed to compute things, we used slide rules which are marvelous and beautiful instruments!
There are many pages about slide rules on the web, and you can still buy brand new slide rules (40 years old but never used, and still in their factory supplied box) in various places. The purpose of this particular and quite idiosyncratic slide rule page is to describe common scales used on slide rules, and the kind of mathematical expressions that could be evaluated with those scales.
Greetings! This site contains scans and descriptions of my collection of slide rules, along with several pages of (hopefully) useful background information. I haven't been actively collecting new rules for several years now, but I have kept the site up as a resource for others.