IMAP Upload is a tool for uploading a local mbox file to IMAP4 server. The most stable way to migrate to Gmail. Can recursively import mbox sub-folders, currently supports Mac Mail MBOX export folder format. Read messages stored in mbox format which is used by many mail clients such as Thunderbird. Upload messages to an IMAP4 server. Preserve the delivery time of the message. (support date time in From_ line / “Received:” field / “Date:” field) Automatic retry when the connection was aborted which happens frequently on Gmail. Can write out failed messages in mbox format. (Easy to retry for the failed messages). Supports IMAP servers that can only store either folders or emails in a folder. Supports SSL.
Mox is a modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email. Quick and easy to start/maintain mail server, for your own domain(s). SMTP (with extensions) for receiving, submitting and delivering email. IMAP4 (with extensions) for giving email clients access to email. Webmail for reading/sending email from the browser. SPF/DKIM/DMARC for authenticating messages/delivery. Reputation tracking, learning (per user) host-, domain- and sender address-based reputation from (Non-)Junk email classification. Bayesian spam filtering that learns (per user) from (Non-)Junk email. Rejected emails are stored in a mailbox called Rejects for a short period, helping with misclassified legitimate synchronous signup/login/transactional emails. Automatic TLS with ACME, for use with Let's Encrypt and other CA's. DANE and MTA-STS for inbound and outbound delivery over SMTP with STARTTLS, including REQUIRETLS and with incoming/outgoing TLSRPT reporting. Web admin interface that helps you set up your domains and accounts (instructions to create DNS records, configure SPF/DKIM/DMARC/TLSRPT/MTA-STS), for status information, managing accounts/domains, and modifying the configuration file. Account autodiscovery (with SRV records, Microsoft-style, Thunderbird-style, and Apple device management profiles) for easy account setup (though client support is limited). "mox localserve" subcommand for running mox locally for email-related testing/developing, including pedantic mode. Most non-server Go packages mox consists of are written to be reusable.
At least it tells you how to compile and install it so you don't have to reverse engineer a bunch of Dockerfiles.
Maddy Mail Server implements all functionality required to run a e-mail server. It can send messages via SMTP (works as MTA), accept messages via SMTP (works as MX) and store messages while providing access to them via IMAP. In addition to that it implements auxiliary protocols that are mandatory to keep email reasonably secure (DKIM, SPF, DMARC, DANE, MTA-STS).
It replaces Postfix, Dovecot, OpenDKIM, OpenSPF, OpenDMARC and more with one daemon with uniform configuration and minimal maintenance cost.
Full re-implementation in Go.
This library implements a simple "filesystem" inside an IMAP folder. The filesystem can be symmetrically encrypted (using the cryptography library's AES-128 Fernet construct), it supports concurrent readers/writers and file versioning. The motivation for this tool is that an IMAP account is the most commonly available form of standards compliant "cloud storage" available to the general public. This makes an IMAP account a compelling location for app backups or basic synchronization, and Mailfile's sister project, Mailpile, needs exactly such features.
FUSE compatible using fusepy.
Python v2.7, unfortunately.
The Debian project's canonical list of groupware available for Debian.
An utility written in Python that connects to an account on an IMAP server, recursively downloads everything, and stores the messages as mbox files. Useful for migration from system to system.
A shell script that turns a brand-new VPS or server into a mail server with a single command. Sets up webmail, IMAP, SMTP, a contacts application, a calendar, and even a web-based control panel for the whole shebang. Includes spam filtering, greylisting, backing up, and TLS certs for everything from Let's Encrypt. Even does virtual domains. No configuration during setup, and you can't really tweak the settings once it's up and running.