The MIT Press is committed to re-imagining what a university press can be. Known for iconic design, rigorous scholarship, and creative technology, the Press advances knowledge by publishing significant works by pioneering international authors. The MIT Press is the only university press in the United States whose list is based in science and technology. This does not mean that science and technology are all we publish, but it does mean that we are committed to the edges and frontiers of the world—to exploring new fields and new modes of inquiry. We publish over 220 new books a year and over 30 journals. We are a major publishing presence in fields as diverse as art, architecture, economics, cognitive science, game studies and computer science to name just a few."
This is an easier-to-get archive of all of that project's texts at the Internet Archive.
A faithful heretic is someone who acts with courage and integrity in the face of mainstream opposition. Take them with you into school, work, church, or anywhere else you need a little dead friend to fight in your corner.
Rosie Grant, MLIS, is a part time digital librarian at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles and full time Outreach and Communications Manager for the Center for the Study of Women|Barbra Streisand Center at UCLA. She runs @ghostlyarchive on Tiktok and Instagram where she discovers and cooks recipes she finds on gravestones. She has currently cooked 25 recipes found on gravestones around the world and traveled to visit 7 of them.
RSS feed:
The Interim Computer Museum strives to preserve and share the history of computing through interactive exhibits using vintage computer hardware with modern enhancements. We are a non-profit membership organization open to all.
(The Interim Computer Museum is a subsidiary of the SDF Public Access UNIX System, 501(c)(7))
How the history of military and government PSYOPS involving mind-control, UFOs, magic, and remote-control zombies, explains the future of AI and generative media. Along the way, talk attendees will be given an enrollment code to join a specialized CTF/ARG game called CYCLOPS that explores these themes and that will run the duration of Congress.
As AI-generated content, social-media influence operations, micro-targeted advertising, and ubiquitous surveillance have become the norm on the Internet and in the market in general, we have entered an era of PSYOP Capitalism. This is an era of hallucinations designed to transform each of us into a “targeted individual” through the manipulation of perception. This talk explores a secret history of reality-altering military and intelligence programs that serve as antecedents to a phantasmagoric present.
At the talk, attendees will be given a registration code to play “CYCLOPS,” a CTF/ARG game that will run the duration of Congress. CYCLOPS explores the themes of the mind-control and PSYOPS through an interactive parafictional narrative taking place in the context of an obscure CIA cognitive warfare program from the early days of the Cold War.
A crowdsourced public database where you can report and look up the abuse histories of IP addresses on the Net. Has a REST API with a 1000 request/day free tier. Can integrate with fail2ban.
Monitored by Glitch.
Welcome to Enlace Hacktivista! This site aims to:
Feel free to edit the wiki!
Recent changes ATOM feed:
The story of Mel (a real programmer). Annotated.
A website about the life and works of Joseph Cornell.
Using the EMULARITY, a loading system of browser-based emulators, it is possible to play hundreds of thousands of programs, games and applications from previous years at the Internet Archive. Click to different sets of collections to try different themed works.
The purpose of this archive is to illuminate the reader regarding the effects of these destructive devices, and to warn against their use.
At this time, although the threat of a nuclear world war has receded, there are other threats to our tentative peace which have emerged. These involve regional conflicts, and the activities of terrorist parties or nations. They involve issues such as plutonium smuggling, and the sale of weapons technology (possibly clandestine) to militaristic nations.
No technical specifications of weapon designs are found on this site. All information is from public sources, or based on reasonable inference or speculation from public information. If at times you are surprised by the level of information presented, then you have already learned a useful lesson - just how much information already exists in the public domain.
Please note that some of the material in the archive is speculation, although well grounded. To support or deny some of the statements requires an extensive weapons testing program. Please use the material as a guide only, and always check the factual base and consistency of the material, no matter where it comes from.
CPU History Museum for Intel CPUs, AMD Processor, Cyrix Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and more.
If you’re here, you must be seriously lost. I’m sorry for your misfortune.
That said, if you’d like to hang around a while and see what’s here, then feel free. But be warned, I’m pretty damn good at wasting other people’s time. Also be advised that without the burden of an editor I take far too many words to describe anything since electrons are free. Hmmm…I guess this paragraph is an example in and of itself. Verbosity rules!
This site is dedicated to preserving the history of early computer security digests and mailing lists, specifically those prior to the mid 1990's. This includes the Unix 'Security Mailing List', through to the Zardoz 'Security Digest' to the Core 'Security List', i.e. those preceeding BugTraq. These forums are a valuable insight into the embryonic development of the field of computer security, especially as it relates to the Internet, and the development of the Doctrine of Disclosure. Goes all the way back to the RTM worm in 1988 at the very least.
The Break Into Chat wiki was created to preserve the history of these and other BBS door games, after editors on Wikipedia began deleting door game articles.
The BBS Wiki is a project to document everything related to BBSes. This is a wiki, so anyone can create or edit a page. So far we have created 172 articles. It's a little lightweight right now, but it has some fairly rare information.
A hack that rewrites Git histories so you can spoof commit messages. Implemented as a shell script.
Don't be an asshole.
Welcome to the Third Edition of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, edited by John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls (emeritus) and Graham Sleight (managing). All the more than 17,600 entries are free to read online.