This library implements a simple "filesystem" inside an IMAP folder. The filesystem can be symmetrically encrypted (using the cryptography library's AES-128 Fernet construct), it supports concurrent readers/writers and file versioning. The motivation for this tool is that an IMAP account is the most commonly available form of standards compliant "cloud storage" available to the general public. This makes an IMAP account a compelling location for app backups or basic synchronization, and Mailfile's sister project, Mailpile, needs exactly such features.
FUSE compatible using fusepy.
Python v2.7, unfortunately.
A hack that rewrites Git histories so you can spoof commit messages. Implemented as a shell script.
Don't be an asshole.
An impressive collection of research papers, exploits, and utilities.
A brief synopsis on the construction of a weapon which can fry RFID chips, including those of passports and ID cards. There are no schematics, just a list of the principles used in the design. You'll need knowledge of electronics to make sense of it and apply them in a practical manner.
How to build your own non-destructive book scanner to archive texts. Total cost: less than $300us. It's pretty speedy, too - on the order of 1200 pages per hour.
Plans for constructing an Arduino shield which lets you stack another Atmega 126 or 328 in master/slave configuration. Double the I/O pins, double the interrupts.