An open source utility that will crack the password used to encrypt .rar, .zip, and .7z archives. Runs multi-threaded to speed things up because it uses a brute-force attack.
A hex editor that uses the QT toolkit for editing very, very large files - files larger than the amount of RAM in your system, in fact. Very useful.
A free utility which extracts text from damaged Microsoft Word files, which can then be saved into a new file.
An archive of free-to-download and use disk images for practicing your data forensics fu or testing file carving tools.
How to display the list of file shares on a Windows server.
A module for python that abstracts away the annoying parts of ncurses and lets you build console-based user-interfaces. Has a collection of widgets that can be assembled into larger projects. Also has graph, text editing, file browsing, subprocess initiation and monitoring, color palettes, sub-windows, and font manipulation primitives.