Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. Our goal is to create a browser based editor that matches and extends the features, usability and performance of existing native editors such as TextMate, Vim or Eclipse. It can be easily embedded in any web page or JavaScript application. Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) Project.
Syntax highlighting for over 120 languages. Over 20 themes. Automatic indent and outdent. An optional command line. Handles huge documents (at last check, 4,000,000 lines is the upper limit). Fully customizable key bindings including vim and Emacs modes. Search and replace with regular expressions. Highlight matching parentheses.
Toggle between soft tabs and real tabs. Displays hidden characters. Drag and drop text using the mouse. Line wrapping. Code folding. Multiple cursors and selections. Live syntax checker (currently only JavaScript/CoffeeScript/CSS/XQuery). Cut, copy, and paste functionality.
You do not generally need to build ACE. The ace-builds repository endeavours to maintain the latest build, and you can just copy one of src/* subdirectories somewhere into your project. I'd probably feel safer downloading a release, to be honest.
Marreta is a tool that breaks access barriers and elements that hinder reading. Automatically cleans and corrects URLs. Removes annoying tracking parameters. Forces HTTPS to keep everything secure. Changes the user agent of the request to avoid blocking. Leaves HTML clean and optimized. Fixes relative URLs on its own. Allows you to add your own styles and scripts. Removes unwanted elements. Caches all the things. Blocks domains you don't want. Allows configuring headers and cookies however you want.
Written in PHP. No database required.
A browser-based WARC file viewer. No data is uploaded anywhere and no information is collected. All content rendered stays directly in your browser. When loading an archive from Google Drive, the site may ask for account authorization to download the specified file only.
Github: provides a static site generated with MkDocs, an npm package/library, and an Electron app all in this repo.
This repository contains the 'frontend' UI for the replay system, while the 'backend' is provided via a service worker implementation found at: (Of course, both frontend and backend actually run in the browser).
The frontend is loaded from ui.js, while the backend service/web worker is loaded from sw.js.
Use py2mappr to render fully interactive networks from simple csv files of node and links. Use tag2network to build a similarity network from a list of nodes with associated tags (e.g. documents with keywords). Nodes can host images, video, Twitter and Instagram feeds, and music streams.
Easily style the appearance of nodes, links, and node labels. Reveal patterns in network structure with scatterplot and geospatial layouts. Save custom views and layouts with seamless animated transitions between them. Share a fully interactive network by publishing openmappr files to any static website.
Code-free data exploration with dynamic filters and search tools to query nodes by any combination of node characteristics. Effortlessly zoom in to node details and zoom out to see them in the broader network context. See summaries of node characteristics - both for the entire network and selected groups of nodes.
You'll have to explore a bit to find the tools' links to Github. It could be better organized.
FlareSolverr starts a proxy server, and it waits for user requests in an idle state using few resources. When some request arrives, it uses nodriver or Selenium with the undetected-chromedriver to create a web browser (Chrome). It opens the URL with user parameters and waits until the Cloudflare challenge is solved (or timeout). The HTML code and the cookies are sent back to the user, and those cookies can be used to bypass Cloudflare using other HTTP clients.
NOTE: Web browsers consume a lot of memory. If you are running FlareSolverr on a machine without a lot of RAM, do not make many requests at once. With each request a new browser is launched.
It is also possible to use a permanent session. However, if you use sessions, you should make sure to close them as soon as you are done using them.
A pixel-perfect web-based MS Paint remake and more. Ah yes, good old Paint. Not the one with the ribbons or the new skeuomorphic one with the interface that can take up nearly half the screen. (And not the even newer Paint 3D.) Recreates every tool and menu of MS Paint, and even little-known features, to a high degree of fidelity. It supports themes, additional file types, and accessibility features like a Dwell Clicker and Speech Recognition. Claims to be mobile friendly.
You can create links that will open an image from the Web in JS Paint. Rudimentary multi-user collaboration support. It isn't seamless; actions by other users interrupt what you're doing, and visa versa. Sessions are not private, and you may lose your work at any time.
jsPaint can be installed as a Progressive Web App (PWA), although it doesn't work offline yet. Look for the install prompt in the address bar.
A lightweight and cross platform QR Code and Bar code scanning library for the web. Support scanning different types of bar codes and QR codes. Supports different platforms and browsers. Supports scanning with camera as well as local files. Comes with an end to end library with UI as well as a low level library to build your own UI with.
Based on zxing-js.
A Barcode Detection API polyfill that uses ZXing-C++ WebAssembly under the hood.
Supported barcode formats: aztec, code_128, code_39, code_93, codabar, databar, databar_expanded, databar_limited, data_matrix, dx_film_edge, ean_13, ean_8, itf, maxi_code (only generated ones, and no position info), micro_qr_code, pdf417, qr_code, rm_qr_code, upc_a, upc_e, linear_codes and matrix_codes (for convenience).
It's probably easier just to grab it from the JS CDN and store it locally.
Uppi is a robust uptime monitoring solution built with Laravel, designed to track the availability of your web services and notify you when issues arise. Continuously monitors the status of your web services in realtime. Get notified when services go down and when they recover. Visual representation of your monitors' status. Track and manage service disruptions. Multiple notification channels for alerts. Share your service status with your users, or embed it in your website.
Specifically gives you an installation process for building and deploying it, no Docker webshit. Has a mobile app. Looks like it can use both SQLite and MySQL as its datastore.
A cross-platform HTML5 QR code & barcode reader. Does not have a build process, just clone the repo, serve it, and there you go.
Probably kind of limited in what kinds of barcodes it can interpret.
Radio Receiver is an HTML5 webpage that uses an USB digital TV receiver plugged into your system to capture radio signals, demodulates them in the browser, and plays the demodulated audio through your computer's speakers or headphones. This is called SDR (Software-Defined Radio), because all the radio signal processing is done by software running in the computer instead of purpose-built hardware.
Radio Receiver was written to work with an RTL-2832U-based DVB-T (European digital TV) USB receiver, with a R820T tuner chip. This hardware configuration is a little dated, but support for newer tuner chips is planned.
npm install esbuild
npm run build
npm run dist
Output in dist/. dist/apps/radioreceiver/ is where the web front-end stuff is, dist/tools/ is where the utility stuff lives.
Picking apart the demo site, it looks like you only need to serve dist/apps/radioreceiver/ because the only three files that get pulled down from it are index.html, main.js, and favicon.png (which implies that everything in there needs to be uploaded).
Requires a browser that supports the HTML5 USB API, which is pretty much everything but Firefox.
We are a group of volunteers whose mission is to present reliable, unbiased and relevant news. All our content is released under a free license. By making our content perpetually available for free redistribution and use, we hope to contribute to a global digital commons. Wikinews stories are written from a neutral point of view to ensure fair and unbiased reporting.
Whether or not you believe this, it might make a good data source for breaking events.
A self-hosted DTMF (dual tone, multi frequency) encoder/decoder. That's a fancy way of saying that you load it in your browser and it gives you a dialpad (0-9, *, #, A-D) that you can peck at and it'll generate DTMF tones. It also can hook your microphone through your browser, listen to DTMF tones, and tell you what they mean.
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
yarn build
yarn start
is a good way of kicking the tires.Everything in build/ should be handled by a web server.
You'll have to hand-hack the /index.html file because it's hardcoded for /DTMF-Tool/ instead of /. I should probably file a bug for that.
Edit, preview and share Mermaid charts/diagrams. Edit and preview flowcharts, sequence diagrams, gantt diagrams in real time. Save the result as a .svg file. Get a link to a viewer of the diagram so that you can share it with others. Get a link to edit the diagram so that someone else can tweak it and send a new link back
Recon-ng is a full-featured reconnaissance framework designed with the goal of providing a powerful environment to conduct open source web-based reconnaissance quickly and thoroughly.
Recon-ng has a look and feel similar to the Metasploit Framework, reducing the learning curve for leveraging the framework. However, it is quite different. Recon-ng is not intended to compete with existing frameworks, as it is designed exclusively for web-based open source reconnaissance. If you want to exploit, use the Metasploit Framework. If you want to social engineer, use the Social-Engineer Toolkit. If you want to conduct reconnaissance, use Recon-ng! See the Wiki to get started.
Recon-ng is a completely modular framework and makes it easy for even the newest of Python developers to contribute. See the Development Guide for more information on building and maintaining modules.
In the AUR.
A simple app (PWA) to extract text from images using Tesseract. No image upload. Everything runs locally on your device. Choose a image, edit the text if you must, then just copy and paste.
Looks like you can just clone the repo into a webroot and it'll work. Seems to work decently well.
A Progressive Web Application (PWA) that scans barcodes of various formats, using the Barcode Detection API. Scan barcodes from webcam or image files. Copy detected barcode to clipboard. Share detected barcode via Web Share API on mobile. Open detected URL in a new tab. Save decoded barcodes in browser history (IndexedDB).
npm install
Upload the contents of dist/
to a web server. is open source progressive web app (PWA) website to view and extract zip files online without downloading them (client side). Drag and drop your zip file to the page. Sandbox mode to prevent malicious files. Uses WebAssembly to extract files, no server side code. Works on mobile and desktop. View and Extract compressed files. Don't need to upload your files to server. Works offline.
CalView is a React-based calendar that integrates with a Radicale CalDAV server. It allows users to view, create, edit, and delete events, all synchronized with a Radicale backend. Has all of the features you'd expect of an online calendar.
A theoretically open standard for transit companies to make scheduling and operational schedules available to the public.