We are a group of volunteers whose mission is to present reliable, unbiased and relevant news. All our content is released under a free license. By making our content perpetually available for free redistribution and use, we hope to contribute to a global digital commons. Wikinews stories are written from a neutral point of view to ensure fair and unbiased reporting.
Whether or not you believe this, it might make a good data source for breaking events.
A directory of goth nights and other events in the United States, organized by state.
COVID-19 continues to kill and injure many people daily. With the collapse in case data reporting it has become difficult to show that high-risk events such as large meetings, performances, and other events result in quantifiable harms.
This web app allows you to create a sharable event link for attendees to report their symptoms and test status anonymously. The public event page will then display how many attendees have become sick or tested positive in an easy-to-digest form along with expected impact (e.g. how many might be expected to get Long COVID). These statistics can be used to help you advocate for increased COVID-19 mitigations in your workplace or other groups.
It may be difficult to get people to disclose their status publicly with their name attached to colleagues (it's embarassing and everyone is trying to ignore COVID), but it is much easier for an activist to drop a link and aggregate anonymous statistics since there is less chance of blowback for such disclosures for the individuals and they'll feel like they're contributing to public health and workplace safety.
For the organizer or activist, information is power. Statistics are able to show the real harms that are occuring and can be used to advocate for safe events and workplaces. It also gives your fellow attendees a way to help each other in a clear and structured way that the Federal government should be providing, but isn't.
Shadow Traffic produces and curates participatory experiences within interstitial areas of the urban landscape.
Our productions look like intimate gatherings, explosive celebrations, and decentralized renegade events in underutilized corners of mapped constructs: spaces we can activate as a temporary autonomous zone available to the public to engage with.
5 years since our inception, Shadow Traffic is the proud steward of the Lost Horizon Night Market in New York City, and Competitive Winter Picnicking. We created a trilogy of ephemeral art happenings in the realms of sky, land and sea that addressed storytelling and the spaces that occupy our memories.
We created two editions of a mid-holiday catharsis parade called Burning of Grievances and a Viewmaster chain-mail project called Anticipate-a-Day. And we honored our Shadow Royalty members every year with a Royalty Rumpus at underutilized public spaces around NYC.
We are now ready to expand our collective.
Metaculus is a forecasting technology platform that optimally aggregates quantitative predictions of future events. Research shows that with the right incentives and feedback, groups of people can make remarkably accurate predictions of the probability of future events. Enabling this capacity is the aim of Metaculus.
Collective intelligence is at the heart of Metaculus. Our community has written thousands of questions and created hundreds of thousands of forecasts. The aggregation of the predictions of many forecasters is more accurate than that of (almost) any individual.
In addition to forecasting performance, the caliber of community discourse is very high on Metaculus. Through discussion, we can all learn from each other.
For these reasons, we will always welcome forecasting questions, suggestions, ideas, and input from our forecasters. We care about their experience, and we want to keep making it better.
RSS: https://www.metaculus.com/questions/rss/
REST API: https://www.metaculus.com/api2/
patchbay.pub is a free web service you can use to implement things like static site hosting, file sharing, cross-platform notifications, webhooks handling, smart home event routing, IoT reporting, job queues, chat systems, bots, etc, all completely cgi-bin and requiring no account creation or authentication. Most implementations need nothing but curl and simple bash snippets.
Github repo for a basic server: https://github.com/patchbay-pub/patchbay-simple-server
Github repo for CLI tools: https://github.com/patchbay-pub/patchbay
No, I don't know why this has an IP address. It used to be part of bombjack.org.
This python script will detect modem events like DTMF Digits, Busy Tone, Silence etc from phone line using Raspberry Pi 3. Seems to do audio signal analysis to do this.
A utility which brings notification to your shell. It can automatically provide desktop notifications when long running commands finish or it can send push notifications to your phone when a specific command finishes. Can be installed in a virtualenv as long as --system-site-packages is used. As modules for XMPP, Telegram, Instapush, Slack, Rocketchat. If you install from AUR you'll get all of them at once. Plugins are configured in your ~/.config/ntfy/ntfy.yml or ~/.ntfy.yml file.
A wiki full of weird stuff, conspiracy theories, and strange happenings to inspire scenarios in your tabletop or live-action RPG.
DocNow responds to the public's use of social media for chronicling historically significant events as well as demand from scholars, students, and archivists, among others, seeking a user-friendly means of collecting and preserving this type of digital content.
A web based XMPP client. Designed for multiuser chat. Tries to be be easy to customize and run. plugins and events. mobile aware. github repo. Join multiple MUCs, multiple private conversations. Notifications. Moderation mode. Requires that the server have HTTP bindings enabled.
A portal site at which people share calendars of various sorts which you can watch using Outlook, Thunderbird, Sunbird, or Google Calendar. In Apple iCal format (which is fast becoming a standard).