ClassicZoo is a modern-day fork of the 1991 game creation system ZZT, aiming to stay close to the original ZZT 3.2 and Super ZZT codebases, while supporting modern systems and providing valuable quality-of-life improvements. Native support for DOS and new non-DOS platforms, modern and retro alike! Includes Windows, Linux, PC-9801, and the Amiga. Built-in online browser for searching worlds, complete with a list of recommended worlds for ZZT newcomers. Increased limits - multi-megabyte worlds, 256 boards per world, 64-kilobyte boards. Significantly more powerful built-in editor than the original ZZT, with syntax highlighting, copying/pasting, improved documentation, exposing undocumented functionality. Stability and user experience improvements - while not compromising compatibility with existing worlds.
Bitsy is a little engine for little games, worlds, and stories. The goal is to make it easy to make games where you can walk around and talk to people and be somewhere.
Bitsy games are composed of several rooms that your avatar can walk between. As your avatar walks around your Bitsy world they may interact with sprites (people, objects etc. that you can talk to) and items. Anything non-interactive in a room is called a tile, which is used for decoration. In Bitsy you create your sprites, items, tiles, and behaviour such as dialog and transitions between rooms in different tools from the toolbar, and then put them all together inside the room tool. Has its own scripting engine.
At any point you can download your game to play it outside of the Bitsy editor.
Servo is a web rendering engine written in Rust, with WebGL and WebGPU support, and adaptable to desktop, mobile, and embedded applications. Servo aims to provide an independent, modular, embeddable web rendering engine, allowing developers to deliver content and applications using web standards. Created by Mozilla Research in 2012, the Servo project is a research and development effort. Stewardship of Servo moved from Mozilla Research to the Linux Foundation in 2020, where its mission remains unchanged. In 2023 the project moved to Linux Foundation Europe.
Servo is written in Rust, taking advantage of the memory safety properties and concurrency features of the language.
Since its creation in 2012, Servo has contributed to W3C and WHATWG web standards, reporting specification issues and submitting new cross-browser automated tests, and core team members have co-edited new standards that have been adopted by other browsers. As a result, the Servo project helps drive the entire web platform forward, while building on a platform of reusable, modular technologies that implement web standards.
ChessMaker is a Python (3.11+) chess implementation that can be extended to support any custom rule or feature. It allows you to build almost any variant you can think of easily and quickly. It was inspired by r/AnarchyChess - and the packaged optional rules are almost all inspired by that subreddit.
ChessMaker isn't tied to any GUI, but comes with a thin, pywebio, multiplayer web interface. The web interface supports choosing from the packaged rules, single player (vs Yourself), and multiplayer (vs a friend or random opponent). It also supports saving and loading games - which can be shared with others and be used as puzzles.
There are multiple sets of packaged rules to start with.
This is a list of small, free, or experimental tools that might be useful in building your game / website / interactive project. Although I’ve included ‘standards’, this list has a focus on artful tools and toys that are as fun to use as they are functional.
The goal of this list is to enable making entirely outside of closed production ecosystems or walled software gardens.