MediaCMS is a modern, fully featured open source video and media CMS. It is developed to meet the needs of modern web platforms for viewing and sharing media. It can be used to build a small to medium video and media portal within minutes.
It is built mostly using the modern stack Django + React and includes a REST API.
Designed for personal use only. If you want people to be able to create accounts, you can do that. If you want it to be "everybody but me can only watch thigns," you can do that. If you want the entire install to be private and requiring logins from everybody, you can do that, too.
Self hosted recipe management webapp. Create, store, share, document recipes. Uses Django as its framework. Designed with a small group of people (like a family) in mind. Automatically generates shopping lists. Quickly print recipes.
Has docs explicitly for running without Docker:
SilverStrike is a Django webapp that you can use to manage your finances. Tries to make finance management easy. Heavily influenced by Firefly-iii (in particular the UI; both use AdminLTE) but tries to add some new features and leave out some less useful ones. Specifically supports multiple users accessing the same budget, i.e., a household. Supports multiple kinds of transactions (not just bill). Written in Python, uses Django. Has a REST API. helps scholars, journals, courts, and others create permanent records of the web sources they cite. is simple, free to use, and is built and supported by libraries. Free to use at 10 records per month, unless you're an academic. Designed specifically so that it can be used for citations. Has an API. Open source. Written in Python, uses Django. Stores things as WARC files.
A site that lets you create map layers on top of Open Streetmap and make them shareable and embeddable. You can upload geodata or sketch in the data you want.
Source code:
An offline version of the Khan Academy. Replicates the experience of the online classrooms. Watch videos, do exercises, track student progress. Can be customized. Use at home, in classrooms, or to create entire schools. Supports ten different languages now.
Github repo: