Retro Con is a pop culture and memorabilia show catering to anything considered “retro”, especially the 80’s! Transformers, Star Wars, GI Joe, Ghostbusters, He-man, classic video games, etc.. We’ve got 275+ tables of collectibles and art for sale, special guests, video games, a costume contest, raffles, a trivia contest, panels, replica props, and much more!
Even seems affordable. Explicitly cosplay friendly.
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An online store run by an armorsmith. Purchase downloadable templates for making your own foamcore cosplay or metal armor. Gauntlets, vambraces, pauldrons, helmets, even bionic arms. Excellent prices.
The weirdest, most unusual stuff on the surplus market at surprisingly good prices. Check back occasionally, you never know what you're going to find.
larp cosplay costumes advice
Found Item Clothing specializes in reproductions of iconic t-shirts from movies, including Revenge of the Nerds and Real Genius. There are some classics here...
This site sells prosthetic contact lenses (including sclera) for amazing prices!