Texts From Superheroes is run by stand-up comedian Andrew Ivimey and internet comedian Diana McCallum.
Imagine your favorite superheroes chatting with each other.
A personal website that bills itself as unix_surrealism.
The Heathcliff Wiki is the place to go for information pertaining to the Heathcliff comic strips and cartoon series, as well as the vast array of characters, episodes, and unreleased movies.
An exhaustively documented (and sometimes funny) wiki pertaining to the Transformers media and toy franchises.
The short-lived Double Dragon comic book series from Marvel. It's not very good.
The Internet Archive has the complete run of the comic book UFO available for download.
The homepage of Grant Morrison.
Everyone's favorite t-shirts from the 80's.
The companion book to the Doctor Strange comics, by Cat and Nagasiva Yronwode.
What if Friedrich Nietzsche wrote Bill Keane's comic strip Family Circus?
Commemorating the finale of The Invisibles, Sequential Tart presents a list of cocktails themed after the main characters.
A wiki that catalogs lost media - stuff that you saw on television or heard on the radio once, and then never encountered again.