A simple Game Boy Camera-style filter made in HTML5 and JavaScript.
Load the page, it'll ask you if it can use your computer's webcam (if it has one). Let it. It'll show every frame from your camera as if it were coming from a Gameboy Camera.
This tutorial is about taking photos using an ESP32-CAM board running MicroPython. The board has an OV2640 without any chip between it and the ESP32. A photo routine and a Webserver were implemented to take a photo using a Webbrowser. MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language.
An open source 3d scanner built around multiple RasPi single board computers and an equal number of digital cameras (between 3 and 5, inclusive). This is a fairly complex build, definitely not for beginners.
witness.org's library of reference and training materials for activists, instructors, and allies. video production, recording LEO actions, archival, how to work with survivors, camera specifics and trainings, data science, covering protests, collecting evidence, crimes, and field guides.