Most businesses aim to get acquired or go public, which often pits the founders against the communities they serve. We're working to enable a third option: An exit to community.
E2C is a path to ownership that benefits all stakeholders: Founders can let go at the right time, communities can grow the business they value, and allies in consulting, policy, and academia can help businesses advance economic democracy.
Locksmith Ledger has been known as the “Bible of the Industry” for eight decades. We provide honest, straightforward and technically accurate information on products, installation procedures and business practices in key markets. Those markets include access control, mechanical locks, automotive service, electronic locks, high security, door hardware and more. Our mission is to deliver leading editorial in print and digital that engages, educates and informs, thereby enabling the security pro and security business owners to thrive in the security market.
Public data about businesses, government entities, military agencies, police, and so forth throughout the United States.
Google Chrome extension for Google Meet meetings. This extension generates a meter like view of the cost of a meeting based on an average configurable rate and the number of people on the call. This extension is not ready for Google so it is a dev mode extension for now. Be use to switch your extensions to Dev Mode and Load unpacked extension.
A list of tech coops and resources concerning tech coops and worker owned cooperatives in general.
A site that aggregates, prettifies, and reposts SEC filings. Even has RSS feeds on a per-company basis.
A formal schema for representing a resume' or CV as a JSON document so that it's machine readable.
Shipping labels for multiple services in bulk.
Can track packages across over a hundred different shippers.
One API for shipping stuff:
One API just for tracking stuff:
Tracking API costs $0.01us per package.
Python client library:
Tracking guide:
A curated list of books that will blow your mind.
A website dedicated to helping people navigate mazes of IVR systems to talk to a human operator.
A website detailing which candidates recieved how much money from whom, and when.
A wiki set up by the US Patent Office to better determine whether or not prior art or obviousness apply to patent applications. It would behoove everyone to glance at it occasionally.
LittleSis is a site and mapping engine that data mines contributions, payments, and influence between political figures, lobbyists, contributions, and the very wealthy. Good for finding out who owns which politician, or which ones to "invest" in.
Corporate douchebag newspeak goes in, sensible English comes out.