A lightweight and cross platform QR Code and Bar code scanning library for the web. Support scanning different types of bar codes and QR codes. Supports different platforms and browsers. Supports scanning with camera as well as local files. Comes with an end to end library with UI as well as a low level library to build your own UI with.
Based on zxing-js.
A Barcode Detection API polyfill that uses ZXing-C++ WebAssembly under the hood.
Supported barcode formats: aztec, code_128, code_39, code_93, codabar, databar, databar_expanded, databar_limited, data_matrix, dx_film_edge, ean_13, ean_8, itf, maxi_code (only generated ones, and no position info), micro_qr_code, pdf417, qr_code, rm_qr_code, upc_a, upc_e, linear_codes and matrix_codes (for convenience).
It's probably easier just to grab it from the JS CDN and store it locally.
A cross-platform HTML5 QR code & barcode reader. Does not have a build process, just clone the repo, serve it, and there you go.
Probably kind of limited in what kinds of barcodes it can interpret.
A Progressive Web Application (PWA) that scans barcodes of various formats, using the Barcode Detection API. Scan barcodes from webcam or image files. Copy detected barcode to clipboard. Share detected barcode via Web Share API on mobile. Open detected URL in a new tab. Save decoded barcodes in browser history (IndexedDB).
npm install
Upload the contents of dist/
to a web server.
Temporary tattoos of scannable, information bearing barcodes.