Awesome Tor is a curated list of resources, tools, and applications related to the Tor network. This product is produced independently from the Tor anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else.
A curated list of cryptography resources and links.
Useful resources for using IPFS and building things on top of it.
John Deere has overly strict security on the electrical components of its tractor which doesn’t allow the owner of a tractor to make simple repairs or upgrades without having a John Deere technician travel out and do it for them. Our team has been tasked with decoding the CAN bus messages passed between tractor components, with this knowledge future work on modifying the tractor’s electronic systems will be significantly easier. The project is through California Polytechnic State University’s Capstone I/II class and sponsored by iFixit. Material on this site is protected from DMCA takedown by a DMCA exemption granted by the US Copyright Office.
A curated list of amazingly awesome XMPP server, clients, libraries, resources - with focus on security.
An open database of 31,965,612 free scholarly articles. We harvest Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories, and make it easy to find, track, and use.
A curated list of resources for learning about vehicle security and car hacking.
A cheat-sheet for reverse engineering malware, by Lenny Zeltser.
A wiki maintained by the Myriad about all things occult, strange, weird, magickal, and unusual.
Here's a list of bookmarks for backchannel tools and articles.
This is the news morgue of the zine Fifth Estate Magazine.
A python module (Python3, specifically - Python2 support was obsoleted) that tries to be the Requests of HTML scraping. Designed with news sites in mind. Picks out names of authors, publication dates, text, URLs to images, any embedded media. keyword analysis. NLP Picks articles out of websites. URL extraction. Picks out categories. i18n support.
Documentation here:
Python module which implements an unofficial API for Sci-Hub.