OpenIPC is an open-source operating system targeting IP cameras with ARM and MIPS processors from several manufacturers in order to replace that closed, opaque, insecure, often abandoned and unsupported firmware pre-installed by a vendor.
OpenIPC Firmware comes as binary pre-compiled files for easy installation by end-user. Also, we provide full access to the source files for further development and improvement by any capable programmer willing to contribute to the project. OpenIPC source code is released under one of the most simple open source license agreements, MIT License, giving users express permission to reuse code for any purpose, even as part of a proprietary software. We only ask you politely to contribute your improvements back to us. We would be grateful for any feedback and suggestions.
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A state-of-the-art Linux distro for RISC laptops that I could get my hands on (atm only ARM Chromebooks).
ARM based single board computers that try to suck less. Roughly the same form factor and capabilities of the Raspberry Pi. I'm told that you can just drop Armbian onto a card and boot it up.
Broadcom opensourced the GPU drivers for the RaspberryPi under a three-clause BSD license. The code is fully functional, hasn't been reverse engineered, and can be compiled and used imediately on the RasPi.
Unicorn is a super-CPU emulator which handles multiple common processor core architectures, from x86 to Arm. Based on QEMU, written in pure C for speed and portability. Has multiple API bindings for different languages. Does just-in-time (JIT) translation of opcodes. Designed from the ground up to be thread-safe.
Homepage for a DIY portable computer.