A large number of threat intel RSS feeds for the security community. Includes service detects and updates, new vulnerabilities, updates, and bad actor IP address updates.
This project aims at building an ultra low power adapter (< 1uA quiescent current) that you can bring onto modern smart energy meters to read the energy usage.
The optical interface consists of an IR photodiode to read data from the smart energy meter, and an IR emitter to send data to the smart energy meter. The infrared reader has an automatic calibration to ambient light conditions to be more resilient against ambient infrared light.
4 wires: VCC, GND, RX and TX. RX is for receiving UART data from a microcontroller, TX is for sending the optical data to a microcontroller. So usually you want to connect TX to the UART input of your microcontroller to get your readings from the smart meter. RX can be left unconnected if not used. The supply voltage may be between 1.8V and 5.5V.
This DIY drone is small in size and can be built using easily available components such as ESP32 modules, MPU6050 IMU, coreless motors, and plastic propellers.
Welcome to the Procedural Content Generation in Games book. This is, as far as we know, the first textbook about procedural content generation in games. As far as we know it is also the first book-length overview of the research field. We hope you find it useful, whether you are studying in a course, on your own, or are a researcher.
We wrote this book for two reasons. The first reason was that all three of us were doing research on PCG in games, and we wanted a good overview. As we come from somewhat different methodological backgrounds, we realized that many researchers did not know about methods that had been developed in other communities. For example, researchers using logic programming and those using evolutionary computation might not know that the other type of algorithms was applicable to the same problem; and researchers coming from computer graphics might not even know that artificial intelligence methods are being used for PCG problems. As PCG in games has just recently started to be seen as its own research field, this was not surprising, but pointed to the need for a book such as this one.
The second reason was that we were teaching a course on PCG (in fact, entitled simply “Procedural Content Generation in Games”) at the IT University of Copenhagen, where at the time the three of us were faculty members. When this course was started in 2010, it was probably the first of its kind in the world. Naturally, there was no textbook to teach it from, so we assembled a syllabus out of academic papers, mostly recent ones. As we taught the course in subsequent years, the syllabus matured, and we felt that we were ready to turn the content of our lectures into a textbook.
The simplest tasks are often the biggest challenge. Many can program a microcontroller; not as many know how to make a simple actuated joint, a custom gearwheel, or a custom chassis for their creations. With 3D printers, we've been promised a revolution in desktop manufacturing, but many of the issues are more fundamental - having to do with mastering CAD software or understanding materials science to make lightweight and durable parts. Meanwhile, on the manufacturing side, a simple, affordable, and home-workshop-friendly solution - CNC machining coupled with resin casting - is already within reach.
This guide is more or less modular. If you're interested in buying a CNC mill, keep reading. If you already have one and know how it works, or want to try the overall process with a 3D printer or other manufacturing process, you can skip directly to the relevant part.
Intercepting and interfering with DNS traffic from your OpenWRT firewall.
Welcome to our fast loading one page .htaccess cheat sheet with all major .htaccess rules listed. We have no ads, no javascript. Just plain HTML (and a .css file), so it should load super fast. Coming here and a quick cmd+f/ctrl+f should be faster than finding the answer on Stack Exchange.
SVG image file of three different sets of lockpicks (slim shank, medium tapered shank, and tapered shank). Probably for using to make your own.
Repo forked here: https://github.com/virtadpt/designs
On 1976 at the HomeBrew Computer Club (HBCC), there was a lot of whining about Bill Gates charging $150 for his Basic interpreter. Dennis Allison responded by printing a "Build Your Own [tiny] Basic" article, so I asked if anybody would buy it if it cost only $5. There seemed to be some affirmation, so I wrote my interpreter. Others jumped on the same article, and I wasn't the first done, but I wanted to be paid for my efforts. As far as I know, nobody at HBCC bought it, but I sent a freebie to Byte magazine and they printed a 1-inch announcement. The next month my mailbox was full of orders, every one with $5. I didn't get rich off it, but it did pay a lot of my expenses at grad school.
This is an archive of as many versions of TinyBasic, the documentation, the user and experimenter kits as Tom Pittman could find.
A directory of e-mail addresses that can be used to send alerts to various mobile devices (phones, pagers, etc) via e-mail. Most of them consist of the phone number at some specific hostname.
An archive of articles about, executables, and PowerBASIC source code for Operation Vula, used for secure communication using one-time pads smuggled into South Africa by a flight attendant on floppy disks in the late 1980's.
An archive of the Vula cryptographic system that was used for encrypting and decrypting clandestine messages during the fall of apartheid. It implements a one-time pad and executes encryption and decryption of messages with same.
Written in PowerBASIC.
An archive of the Mach microkernel project for the Mac.
It looks like tarballs of the systemware for the February 1991 build of Mach for the Macintosh.
Wikiversity course material about radiation, electromagnetism, and the physics thereof.
A professional's article about picking and using the right cable for RF use in the right circumstances. Discusses the use cases (aerospace, defense, transportation, telecom, broadcast, medicine), frequency ranges, connectors, assemblies, and specifics.
I've been working with Terraform for a while now, and I've noticed that there are a few things that people keep asking me about. I thought it would be helpful to write a blog post about some of the most common questions I get asked and share some of the things I've learned along the way. This is not an exhaustive list, and, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know!
A troubleshooting cheatsheet for the Commodore 1541 floppy drive.
Computer Scientist
Electrical Engineer
Systems Architect
Research Leader
Engineering Educator
Adventurer & Visioneer
Slash pages are common pages you can add to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the IndieWeb.