RTLSDR-Airband receives analog radio voice channels and produces audio streams which can be routed to various outputs, such as online streaming services like LiveATC.net. Originally the only SDR type supported by the program was Realtek DVB-T dongle (hence the project's name). However, thanks to SoapySDR vendor-neutral SDR library, other radios are now supported as well. Runs on the RasPi just as well as more powerful systems.
Now under new management.
A cross platform Python frequency scanning GUI for the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr library.
Seems rather along the lines of gqrx, but in Python.
This project is a software defined radio receiver for these messages. We make use of an inexpensive rtl-sdr dongle to allow users to non-invasively record and analyze the commodity consumption of their household. Designed with ERT-compatible smart meters i mind.
An open source 3d scanner built around multiple RasPi single board computers and an equal number of digital cameras (between 3 and 5, inclusive). This is a fairly complex build, definitely not for beginners.
Software-defined radio receiver application built on GNU Radio with a web-based UI and plugins. In development, usable but incomplete. Compatible with RTL-SDR.
Installation docs: https://shinysdr.switchb.org/manual/installation
Requires more horsepower than a RasPi 0 W can provide.
Written using Python v2.7. Don't think it's been updated to Python3 yet.
SHODAN has a service where you can use them to monitor your your stuff if you have an account with API access. Schedule and run scans, get alerts if something new or unexpected appears. Has its own API and CLI tool, too.
Osmedeus allow you automated run the collection of awesome tools to reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning against the target. Webapp, uses Flask. Has a REST API.
An application designed to assist in exploiting SQL injection attacks against applications based upon Microsoft SQL Server. Written in Perl. Fingerprints server, can bruteforce the password on the "sa" account, escalate privileges, create custom stored procedures to wreak havoc.
A utility capable of fingerprinting back-end SQL databases, pulling authentication credentials and schemas, enumerating databases, and generating SQL injection attacks against web applications. Can handle MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, SQL Server, DB2, and other systems.
An open source web server and web application scanner that tests for misconfigurations, bugs, and missing patches. Not designed to be subtle, it's a pen tester's auditing tool through and through.
Ever wanted to listen in on air traffic controller comm traffic?
Determines what version of a web app that it already knows about is run by comparing hashes of certain files with precomputed hashes from known versions. Designed to be low-bandwidth, fast, and automatable. Runs as a stand-alone tool or can be included as a Python module in other software.
How to build your own non-destructive book scanner to archive texts. Total cost: less than $300us. It's pretty speedy, too - on the order of 1200 pages per hour.
The database of radio scanner frequencies at radioreference.com. Curious about what's happening in your area? Tune in and give a listen.
A wiki page that documents explanations for and origins of various types of radio broadcasts people picked up with software defined radios and analyzed with software like GQRX.
Clair is a FOSS utility for conducting static security analysis of Linux containers, Docker containers in particular. Clair continually updates its internal index of known vulnerabilities so it can keep constant watch over what it monitors. Has a modular architecture to make it easier to extend the project without having to fork() it. Also designed to fit into a CI/CD pipeline to monitor in-house containers as they're built. Plugs into Kubernetes. Requires Postgres. Written in Go. sysadmin infosec scanner scanning
A utility written in python that scans for open top-level proxy servers. scanner Runs fairly exhaustive tests to find suitable servers. Don't run this from home! Lightweight dependencies.
An open source object scanner that exports the data such that it can be replicated on a 3d printer.